path: root/interfaces/email/interactive/be-handle-mail
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'interfaces/email/interactive/be-handle-mail')
1 files changed, 950 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/interfaces/email/interactive/be-handle-mail b/interfaces/email/interactive/be-handle-mail
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fa80698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/email/interactive/be-handle-mail
@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2009 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Provide and email interface to the distributed bugtracker Bugs
+Everywhere. Recieves incoming email via procmail. Provides an
+interface similar to the Debian Bug Tracker. There are currently
+three distinct email types: submits, comments, and controls. The
+email types are differentiated by tags in the email subject. See
+SUBJECT_TAG* for the current values.
+Submit emails create a bug (and optionally add some intitial
+comments). The post-tag subject is used as the bug summary, and the
+email body is parsed for a pseudo-header. Any text after the
+psuedo-header but before a possible line starting with BREAK is added
+as the initial bug comment.
+Comment emails add comments to a bug. The first non-multipart portion
+of the email is used as the comment body. If that portion has a
+"text/plain" type, any text after and including a possible line
+starting with BREAK is stripped to avoid lots of taglines cluttering
+up the repository.
+Control emails preform any allowed BE commands. The first
+non-multipart portion of the email is used as the comment body. If
+that portion has a "text/plain" type, any text after and including a
+possible line starting with BREAK is stripped. Each pre-BREAK line of
+the portion should be a valid BE command, with the initial "be"
+omitted, e.g. "be status XYZ fixed" --> "status XYZ fixed".
+Any changes made to the repository are commited after the email is
+executed, with the email's post-tag subject as the commit message.
+import codecs
+import StringIO as StringIO
+import email
+from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
+import email.utils
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import shlex
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+import doctest
+import unittest
+from becommands import subscribe
+import libbe.cmdutil, libbe.encoding, libbe.utility, libbe.diff, \
+ libbe.bugdir, libbe.bug, libbe.comment
+import send_pgp_mime
+THIS_SERVER = u"thor.physics.drexel.edu"
+THIS_ADDRESS = u"BE Bugs <wking@thor.physics.drexel.edu>"
+_THIS_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+LOGPATH = os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, u"be-handle-mail.log")
+# Tag strings generated by generate_global_tags()
+SUBJECT_TAG_BASE = u"be-bug"
+BREAK = u"--"
+NEW_OPTIONAL_PSEUDOHEADERS = [u"Reporter", u"Assign", u"Depend", u"Severity",
+ u"Status", u"Tag", u"Target",
+ u"Confirm", u"Subscribe"]
+ALLOWED_COMMANDS = [u"assign", u"comment", u"commit", u"depend", u"help",
+ u"list", u"merge", u"new", u"open", u"severity", u"show",
+ u"status", u"subscribe", u"tag", u"target"]
+libbe.encoding.ENCODING = u"utf-8" # force default encoding
+ENCODING = libbe.encoding.get_encoding()
+class InvalidEmail (ValueError):
+ def __init__(self, msg, message):
+ ValueError.__init__(self, message)
+ self.msg = msg
+ def response(self):
+ header = self.msg.response_header
+ body = [u"Error processing email:\n",
+ self.response_body(), u""]
+ response_generator = \
+ send_pgp_mime.PGPMimeMessageFactory(u"\n".join(body))
+ response = MIMEMultipart()
+ response.attach(response_generator.plain())
+ response.attach(self.msg.msg)
+ ret = send_pgp_mime.attach_root(header, response)
+ return ret
+ def response_body(self):
+ err_text = [unicode(self)]
+ return u"\n".join(err_text)
+class InvalidSubject (InvalidEmail):
+ def __init__(self, msg, message=None):
+ if message == None:
+ message = u"Invalid subject"
+ InvalidEmail.__init__(self, msg, message)
+ def response_body(self):
+ err_text = u"\n".join([unicode(self), u"",
+ u"full subject was:",
+ self.msg.subject()])
+ return err_text
+class InvalidPseudoHeader (InvalidEmail):
+ def response_body(self):
+ err_text = [u"Invalid pseudo-header:\n",
+ unicode(self)]
+ return u"\n".join(err_text)
+class InvalidCommand (InvalidEmail):
+ def __init__(self, msg, command, message=None):
+ bigmessage = u"Invalid execution command '%s'" % command
+ if message != None:
+ bigmessage += u"\n%s" % message
+ InvalidEmail.__init__(self, msg, bigmessage)
+ self.command = command
+class InvalidOption (InvalidCommand):
+ def __init__(self, msg, option, message=None):
+ bigmessage = u"Invalid option '%s'" % (option)
+ if message != None:
+ bigmessage += u"\n%s" % message
+ InvalidCommand.__init__(self, msg, info, command, bigmessage)
+ self.option = option
+class NotificationFailed (Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ bigmessage = "Notification failed: %s" % msg
+ Exception.__init__(self, bigmessage)
+ self.short_msg = msg
+class ID (object):
+ """
+ Sometimes you want to reference the output of a command that
+ hasn't been executed yet. ID is there for situations like
+ > a = Command(msg, "new", ["create a bug"])
+ > b = Command(msg, "comment", [ID(a), "and comment on it"])
+ """
+ def __init__(self, command):
+ self.command = command
+ def extract_id(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "cached_id"):
+ return self._cached_id
+ assert self.command.ret == 0, self.command.ret
+ if self.command.command == u"new":
+ regexp = re.compile(u"Created bug with ID (.*)")
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError, self.command.command
+ match = regexp.match(self.command.stdout)
+ assert len(match.groups()) == 1, str(match.groups())
+ self._cached_id = match.group(1)
+ return self._cached_id
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.command.ret != 0:
+ return "<id for %s>" % repr(self.command)
+ return "<id %s>" % self.extract_id()
+class Command (object):
+ """
+ A becommands command wrapper.
+ Doesn't validate input, so do that before initializing.
+ Initialize with
+ Command(msg, command, args=None, stdin=None)
+ where
+ msg: the Message instance prompting this command
+ command: name of becommand to execute, e.g. "new"
+ args: list of arguments to pass to the command
+ stdin: if non-null, a string to pipe into the command's stdin
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msg, command, args=None, stdin=None):
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.command = command
+ if args == None:
+ self.args = []
+ else:
+ self.args = args
+ self.stdin = stdin
+ self.ret = None
+ self.stdout = None
+ self.stderr = None
+ self.err = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "<command: %s %s>" % (self.command, " ".join([str(s) for s in self.args]))
+ def normalize_args(self):
+ """
+ Expand any ID placeholders in self.args.
+ """
+ for i,arg in enumerate(self.args):
+ if isinstance(arg, ID):
+ self.args[i] = arg.extract_id()
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Attempt to execute the command whose info is given in the dictionary
+ info. Returns the exit code, stdout, and stderr produced by the
+ command.
+ """
+ if self.command in [None, u""]: # don't accept blank commands
+ raise InvalidCommand(self.msg, self, "Blank")
+ elif self.command not in ALLOWED_COMMANDS:
+ raise InvalidCommand(self.msg, self, "Not allowed")
+ assert self.ret == None, u"running %s twice!" % unicode(self)
+ self.normalize_args()
+ # set stdin and catch stdout and stderr
+ if self.stdin != None:
+ orig_stdin = sys.stdin
+ sys.stdin = StringIO.StringIO(self.stdin)
+ new_stdout = codecs.getwriter(ENCODING)(StringIO.StringIO())
+ new_stderr = codecs.getwriter(ENCODING)(StringIO.StringIO())
+ orig_stdout = sys.stdout
+ orig_stderr = sys.stderr
+ sys.stdout = new_stdout
+ sys.stderr = new_stderr
+ # run the command
+ os.chdir(BE_DIR)
+ try:
+ self.ret = libbe.cmdutil.execute(self.command, self.args,
+ manipulate_encodings=False)
+ except libbe.cmdutil.GetHelp:
+ print libbe.cmdutil.help(command)
+ except libbe.cmdutil.GetCompletions:
+ self.err = InvalidOption(self.msg, self.command, u"--complete")
+ except libbe.cmdutil.UsageError, e:
+ self.err = InvalidCommand(self.msg, self,
+ "%s\n%s" % (type(e), unicode(e)))
+ except libbe.cmdutil.UserError, e:
+ self.err = InvalidCommand(self.msg, self,
+ "%s\n%s" % (type(e), unicode(e)))
+ # restore stdin, stdout, and stderr
+ if self.stdin != None:
+ sys.stdin = orig_stdin
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ sys.stdout = orig_stdout
+ sys.stderr = orig_stderr
+ self.stdout = codecs.decode(new_stdout.getvalue(), ENCODING)
+ self.stderr = codecs.decode(new_stderr.getvalue(), ENCODING)
+ if self.err != None:
+ raise self.err
+ return (self.ret, self.stdout, self.stderr)
+ def response_msg(self):
+ if self.ret == None: self.ret = -1
+ response_body = [u"Results of running: (exit code %d)" % self.ret,
+ u" %s %s" % (self.command, u" ".join(self.args))]
+ if self.stdout != None and len(self.stdout) > 0:
+ response_body.extend([u"", u"stdout:", u"", self.stdout])
+ if self.stderr != None and len(self.stderr) > 0:
+ response_body.extend([u"", u"stderr:", u"", self.stderr])
+ response_body.append(u"") # trailing endline
+ response_generator = \
+ send_pgp_mime.PGPMimeMessageFactory(u"\n".join(response_body))
+ return response_generator.plain()
+class DiffTree (libbe.diff.DiffTree):
+ """
+ In order to avoid tons of tiny MIMEText attachments, bug-level
+ nodes set .add_child_text=True (in .join()), which is propogated
+ on to their descendents. Instead of creating their own
+ attachement, each of these descendents appends his data_part to
+ the end of the bug-level MIMEText attachment.
+ For the example tree in the libbe.diff.Diff unittests:
+ bugdir
+ bugdir/settings
+ bugdir/bugs
+ bugdir/bugs/new
+ bugdir/bugs/new/c <- sets .add_child_text
+ bugdir/bugs/rem
+ bugdir/bugs/rem/b <- sets .add_child_text
+ bugdir/bugs/mod
+ bugdir/bugs/mod/a <- sets .add_child_text
+ bugdir/bugs/mod/a/settings
+ bugdir/bugs/mod/a/comments
+ bugdir/bugs/mod/a/comments/new
+ bugdir/bugs/mod/a/comments/new/acom
+ bugdir/bugs/mod/a/comments/rem
+ bugdir/bugs/mod/a/comments/mod
+ """
+ def report_or_none(self):
+ report = self.report()
+ payload = report.get_payload()
+ if payload == None or len(payload) == 0:
+ return None
+ return report
+ def report_string(self):
+ report = self.report_or_none()
+ if report == None:
+ return "No changes"
+ else:
+ return send_pgp_mime.flatten(self.report(), to_unicode=True)
+ def make_root(self):
+ return MIMEMultipart()
+ def join(self, root, parent, data_part):
+ if hasattr(parent, "attach_child_text"):
+ self.attach_child_text = True
+ if data_part != None:
+ send_pgp_mime.append_text(parent.data_mime_part, u"\n\n%s" % (data_part))
+ self.data_mime_part = parent.data_mime_part
+ else:
+ self.data_mime_part = None
+ if data_part != None:
+ self.data_mime_part = send_pgp_mime.encodedMIMEText(data_part)
+ if parent != None and parent.name in [u"new", u"rem", u"mod"]:
+ self.attach_child_text = True
+ if data_part == None: # make blank data_mime_part for children's appends
+ self.data_mime_part = send_pgp_mime.encodedMIMEText(u"")
+ if self.data_mime_part != None:
+ self.data_mime_part[u"Content-Description"] = self.name
+ root.attach(self.data_mime_part)
+ def data_part(self, depth, indent=False):
+ return libbe.diff.DiffTree.data_part(self, depth, indent=indent)
+class Diff (libbe.diff.Diff):
+ def bug_add_string(self, bug):
+ return bug.string(show_comments=True)
+ def _comment_summary_string(self, comment):
+ return comment.string()
+ def comment_add_string(self, comment):
+ return self._comment_summary_string(comment)
+ def comment_rem_string(self, comment):
+ return self._comment_summary_string(comment)
+class Message (object):
+ def __init__(self, email_text=None, disable_parsing=False):
+ if disable_parsing == False:
+ self.text = email_text
+ p=email.Parser.Parser()
+ self.msg=p.parsestr(self.text)
+ if LOGFILE != None:
+ LOGFILE.write(u"handling %s\n" % self.author_addr())
+ LOGFILE.write(u"\n%s\n\n" % self.text)
+ self.confirm = True # enable/disable confirmation email
+ def _yes_no(self, boolean):
+ if boolean == True:
+ return "yes"
+ return "no"
+ def author_tuple(self):
+ """
+ Extract and normalize the sender's email address. Returns a
+ (name, email) tuple.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self, "author_tuple_cache"):
+ self._author_tuple_cache = \
+ send_pgp_mime.source_email(self.msg, return_realname=True)
+ return self._author_tuple_cache
+ def author_addr(self):
+ return email.utils.formataddr(self.author_tuple())
+ def author_name(self):
+ return self.author_tuple()[0]
+ def author_email(self):
+ return self.author_tuple()[1]
+ def default_msg_attribute_access(self, attr_name, default=None):
+ if attr_name in self.msg:
+ return self.msg[attr_name]
+ return default
+ def message_id(self, default=None):
+ return self.default_msg_attribute_access("message-id", default=default)
+ def subject(self):
+ if "subject" not in self.msg:
+ raise InvalidSubject(self, u"Email must contain a subject")
+ return self.msg["subject"]
+ def _split_subject(self):
+ """
+ Returns (tag, subject), with missing values replaced by None.
+ """
+ if hasattr(self, "_split_subject_cache"):
+ return self._split_subject_cache
+ args = self.subject().split(u"]",1)
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ self._split_subject_cache = (None, None)
+ elif len(args) < 2:
+ self._split_subject_cache = (args[0]+u"]", None)
+ else:
+ self._split_subject_cache = (args[0]+u"]", args[1].strip())
+ return self._split_subject_cache
+ def _subject_tag_type(self):
+ """
+ Parse subject tag, return (type, value), where type is one of
+ None, "new", "comment", or "control"; and value is None except
+ in the case of "comment", in which case it's the bug
+ ID/shortname.
+ """
+ tag,subject = self._split_subject()
+ type = None
+ value = None
+ if tag == SUBJECT_TAG_NEW:
+ type = u"new"
+ elif tag == SUBJECT_TAG_CONTROL:
+ type = u"control"
+ else:
+ match = SUBJECT_TAG_COMMENT.match(tag)
+ if len(match.groups()) == 1:
+ type = u"comment"
+ value = match.group(1)
+ return (type, value)
+ def validate_subject(self):
+ """
+ Validate the subject line.
+ """
+ tag,subject = self._split_subject()
+ if not tag.startswith(SUBJECT_TAG_START):
+ raise InvalidSubject(
+ self, u"Subject must start with '%s'" % SUBJECT_TAG_START)
+ tag_type,value = self._subject_tag_type()
+ if tag_type == None:
+ raise InvalidSubject(self, u"Invalid tag '%s'" % tag)
+ elif tag_type == u"new" and len(subject) == 0:
+ raise InvalidSubject(self, u"Cannot create a bug with blank title")
+ elif tag_type == u"comment" and len(value) == 0:
+ raise InvalidSubject(self, u"Must specify a bug ID to comment")
+ def _get_bodies_and_mime_types(self):
+ """
+ Traverse the email message returning (body, mime_type) for
+ each non-mulitpart portion of the message.
+ """
+ msg_charset = self.msg.get_content_charset(ENCODING).lower()
+ for part in self.msg.walk():
+ if part.is_multipart():
+ continue
+ body,mime_type=(part.get_payload(decode=True),part.get_content_type())
+ charset = part.get_content_charset(msg_charset).lower()
+ if mime_type.startswith("text/"):
+ body = unicode(body, charset) # convert text types to unicode
+ yield (body, mime_type)
+ def _parse_body_pseudoheaders(self, body, required, optional,
+ dictionary=None):
+ """
+ Grab any pseudo-headers from the beginning of body. Raise
+ InvalidPseudoHeader on errors. Returns the body text after
+ the pseudo-header and a dictionary of set options. If you
+ like, you can initialize the dictionary with some defaults
+ and pass your initialized dict in as dictionary.
+ """
+ if dictionary == None:
+ dictionary = {}
+ body_lines = body.splitlines()
+ all = required+optional
+ for i,line in enumerate(body_lines):
+ line = line.strip()
+ if len(line) == 0:
+ break
+ if ":" not in line:
+ raise InvalidPseudoheader(self, line)
+ key,value = line.split(":", 1)
+ value = value.strip()
+ if key not in all:
+ raise InvalidPseudoHeader(self, key)
+ if len(value) == 0:
+ raise InvalidEmail(
+ self, u"Blank value for: %s" % key)
+ dictionary[key] = value
+ missing = []
+ for key in required:
+ if key not in dictionary:
+ missing.append(key)
+ if len(missing) > 0:
+ raise InvalidPseudoHeader(self,
+ u"Missing required pseudo-headers:\n%s"
+ % u", ".join(missing))
+ remaining_body = u"\n".join(body_lines[i:]).strip()
+ return (remaining_body, dictionary)
+ def _strip_footer(self, body):
+ body_lines = body.splitlines()
+ for i,line in enumerate(body_lines):
+ if line.startswith(BREAK):
+ break
+ i += 1 # increment past the current valid line.
+ return u"\n".join(body_lines[:i]).strip()
+ def parse(self):
+ """
+ Parse the commands given in the email. Raises assorted
+ subclasses of InvalidEmail in the case of invalid messages,
+ otherwise returns a list of suggested commands to run.
+ """
+ self.validate_subject()
+ tag_type,value = self._subject_tag_type()
+ if tag_type == u"new":
+ commands = self.parse_new()
+ elif tag_type == u"comment":
+ commands = self.parse_comment(value)
+ elif tag_type == u"control":
+ commands = self.parse_control()
+ else:
+ raise Exception, u"Unrecognized tag type '%s'" % tag_type
+ return commands
+ def parse_new(self):
+ command = u"new"
+ tag,subject = self._split_subject()
+ summary = subject
+ options = {u"Reporter": self.author_addr(),
+ u"Confirm": self._yes_no(self.confirm),
+ u"Subscribe": "no",
+ }
+ body,mime_type = list(self._get_bodies_and_mime_types())[0]
+ comment_body,options = \
+ self._parse_body_pseudoheaders(body,
+ options)
+ if options[u"Confirm"].lower() == "no":
+ self.confirm = False
+ if options[u"Subscribe"].lower() == "yes" and self.confirm == True:
+ # respond with the subscription format rather than the
+ # normal command-output format, because the subscription
+ # format is more user-friendly.
+ self.confirm = False
+ args = [u"--reporter", options[u"Reporter"]]
+ args.append(summary)
+ commands = [Command(self, command, args)]
+ id = ID(commands[0])
+ comment_body = self._strip_footer(comment_body)
+ if len(comment_body) > 0:
+ command = u"comment"
+ comment = u"Version: %s\n\n"%options[u"Version"] + comment_body
+ args = [u"--author", self.author_addr(),
+ u"--alt-id", self.message_id(),
+ u"--content-type", mime_type]
+ args.append(id)
+ args.append(u"-")
+ commands.append(Command(self, u"comment", args, stdin=comment))
+ for key,value in options.items():
+ if key in [u"Version", u"Reporter", u"Confirm"]:
+ continue # we've already handled these options
+ command = key.lower()
+ args = [id, value]
+ if key == u"Subscribe":
+ if value.lower() != "yes":
+ continue
+ args = ["--subscriber", self.author_addr(), id]
+ commands.append(Command(self, command, args))
+ return commands
+ def parse_comment(self, bug_uuid):
+ command = u"comment"
+ bug_id = bug_uuid
+ author = self.author_addr()
+ alt_id = self.message_id()
+ body,mime_type = list(self._get_bodies_and_mime_types())[0]
+ if mime_type == "text/plain":
+ body = self._strip_footer(body)
+ content_type = mime_type
+ args = [u"--author", author, u"--alt-id", alt_id,
+ u"--content-type", content_type, bug_id, u"-"]
+ commands = [Command(self, command, args, stdin=body)]
+ return commands
+ def parse_control(self):
+ body,mime_type = list(self._get_bodies_and_mime_types())[0]
+ commands = []
+ for line in body.splitlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.startswith(CONTROL_COMMENT) or len(line) == 0:
+ continue
+ if line.startswith(BREAK):
+ break
+ fields = shlex.split(line)
+ command,args = (fields[0], fields[1:])
+ commands.append(Command(self, command, args))
+ if len(commands) == 0:
+ raise InvalidEmail(self, u"No commands in control email.")
+ return commands
+ def run(self):
+ self._begin_response()
+ commands = self.parse()
+ try:
+ for command in commands:
+ command.run()
+ self._add_response(command.response_msg())
+ finally:
+ if AUTOCOMMIT == True:
+ tag,subject = self._split_subject()
+ self.commit_command = Command(self, "commit", [subject])
+ self.commit_command.run()
+ if LOGFILE != None:
+ LOGFILE.write(u"Autocommit:\n%s\n\n" %
+ send_pgp_mime.flatten(self.commit_command.response_msg(),
+ to_unicode=True))
+ def _begin_response(self):
+ tag,subject = self._split_subject()
+ response_header = [u"From: %s" % THIS_ADDRESS,
+ u"To: %s" % self.author_addr(),
+ u"Date: %s" % libbe.utility.time_to_str(time.time()),
+ u"Subject: %s Re: %s"%(SUBJECT_TAG_RESPONSE,subject)
+ ]
+ if self.message_id() != None:
+ response_header.append(u"In-reply-to: %s" % self.message_id())
+ self.response_header = \
+ send_pgp_mime.header_from_text(text=u"\n".join(response_header))
+ self._response_messages = []
+ def _add_response(self, response_message):
+ self._response_messages.append(response_message)
+ def response_email(self):
+ assert len(self._response_messages) > 0
+ if len(self._response_messages) == 1:
+ response_body = self._response_messages[0]
+ else:
+ response_body = MIMEMultipart()
+ for message in self._response_messages:
+ response_body.attach(message)
+ return send_pgp_mime.attach_root(self.response_header, response_body)
+ def subscriber_emails(self, previous_revision=None):
+ if previous_revision == None:
+ if AUTOCOMMIT != True: # no way to tell what's changed
+ raise NotificationFailed("Autocommit dissabled")
+ if len(self._response_messages) == 0:
+ raise NotificationFailed("Initial email failed.")
+ if self.commit_command.ret != 0:
+ # commit failed. Error already logged.
+ raise NotificationFailed("Commit failed")
+ # read only bugdir.
+ bd = libbe.bugdir.BugDir(from_disk=True,
+ manipulate_encodings=False)
+ if bd.vcs.versioned == False: # no way to tell what's changed
+ raise NotificationFailed("Not versioned")
+ bd.load_all_bugs()
+ subscribers = subscribe.get_bugdir_subscribers(bd, THIS_SERVER)
+ if len(subscribers) == 0:
+ return []
+ before_bd, after_bd = self._get_before_and_after_bugdirs(bd, previous_revision)
+ diff = Diff(before_bd, after_bd)
+ diff_tree = diff.report_tree(diff_tree=DiffTree)
+ bug_index = {}
+ for child in diff_tree.child_by_path("/bugs/new"):
+ bug_index[child.name] = ("added", child)
+ for child in diff_tree.child_by_path("/bugs/mod"):
+ bug_index[child.name] = ("modified", child)
+ for child in diff_tree.child_by_path("/bugs/rem"):
+ bug_index[child.name] = ("removed", child)
+ header = self._subscriber_header(bd, previous_revision)
+ emails = []
+ for subscriber,subscriptions in subscribers.items():
+ header.replace_header("to", subscriber)
+ parts = []
+ if "DIR" in subscriptions: # make sure we check the DIR level first
+ ordered_subscriptions = [("DIR", subscriptions.pop("DIR"))]
+ else:
+ ordered_subscriptions = []
+ ordered_subscriptions.extend(subscriptions.items())
+ for id,types in ordered_subscriptions:
+ if id == "DIR":
+ if subscribe.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL in types:
+ parts.append(diff_tree.report_or_none())
+ break # we've attached everything, so stop checking.
+ if subscribe.BUGDIR_TYPE_NEW in types:
+ new = diff_tree.child_by_path("/bugs/new")
+ parts.append(new.report_or_none())
+ continue # move on to next id
+ # if we get this far, id refers to a bug.
+ assert types == [subscribe.BUG_TYPE_ALL], types
+ if id not in bug_index:
+ continue # no changes here, move on to next id
+ type,bug_root = bug_index[id]
+ if type == "added" \
+ and "DIR" in subscriptions \
+ and subscriptions["DIR"] == subscribe.BUGDIR_TYPE_NEW:
+ # this info already attached at the DIR level
+ continue # move on to next id
+ parts.append(bug_root.report_or_none())
+ parts = [p for p in parts if p != None]
+ if len(parts) == 0:
+ continue # no email to this subscriber
+ elif len(parts) == 1:
+ root = parts[0]
+ else: # join subscription parts into a single body
+ root = MIMEMultipart()
+ root[u"Content-Description"] = u"Multiple subscription trees."
+ for part in parts:
+ root.attach(part)
+ emails.append(send_pgp_mime.attach_root(header, root))
+ if LOGFILE != None:
+ LOGFILE.write(u"Preparing to notify %s of changes\n" % subscriber)
+ return emails
+ def _get_before_and_after_bugdirs(self, bd, previous_revision=None):
+ if previous_revision == None:
+ commit_msg = self.commit_command.stdout
+ assert commit_msg.startswith("Committed "), commit_msg
+ after_revision = commit_msg[len("Committed "):]
+ before_revision = bd.vcs.revision_id(-2)
+ else:
+ before_revision = previous_revision
+ if before_revision == None:
+ # this commit was the initial commit
+ before_bd = libbe.bugdir.BugDir(from_disk=False,
+ manipulate_encodings=False)
+ else:
+ before_bd = bd.duplicate_bugdir(before_revision)
+ #after_bd = bd.duplicate_bugdir(after_revision)
+ after_bd = bd # assume no changes since commit a few cycles ago
+ return (before_bd, after_bd)
+ def _subscriber_header(self, bd, previous_revision=None):
+ root_dir = os.path.basename(bd.root)
+ if previous_revision == None:
+ subject = "Changes to %s on %s by %s" \
+ % (root_dir, THIS_SERVER, self.author_addr())
+ else:
+ subject = "Changes to %s on %s since revision %s" \
+ % (root_dir, THIS_SERVER, previous_revision)
+ header = [u"From: %s" % THIS_ADDRESS,
+ u"To: %s" % u"DUMMY-AUTHOR",
+ u"Date: %s" % libbe.utility.time_to_str(time.time()),
+ u"Subject: %s Re: %s" % (SUBJECT_TAG_RESPONSE, subject)
+ ]
+ return send_pgp_mime.header_from_text(text=u"\n".join(header))
+def generate_global_tags(tag_base=u"be-bug"):
+ """
+ Generate a series of tags from a base tag string.
+ """
+ SUBJECT_TAG_BASE = tag_base
+ SUBJECT_TAG_START = u"[%s" % tag_base
+ SUBJECT_TAG_RESPONSE = u"[%s]" % tag_base
+ SUBJECT_TAG_NEW = u"[%s:submit]" % tag_base
+ SUBJECT_TAG_COMMENT = re.compile(u"\[%s:([\-0-9a-z]*)]" % tag_base)
+def open_logfile(logpath=None):
+ """
+ If logpath=None, default to global LOGPATH.
+ Special logpath strings:
+ "-" set LOGFILE to sys.stderr
+ "none" disable logging
+ Relative logpaths are expanded relative to _THIS_DIR
+ """
+ if logpath != None:
+ if logpath == u"-":
+ LOGPATH = u"stderr"
+ LOGFILE = sys.stderr
+ elif logpath == u"none":
+ LOGPATH = u"none"
+ LOGFILE = None
+ elif os.path.isabs(logpath):
+ LOGPATH = logpath
+ else:
+ LOGPATH = os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, logpath)
+ if LOGFILE == None and LOGPATH != u"none":
+ LOGFILE = codecs.open(LOGPATH, u"a+", ENCODING)
+ LOGFILE.write(u"Default encoding: %s\n" % ENCODING)
+def close_logfile():
+ if LOGFILE != None and LOGPATH not in [u"stderr", u"none"]:
+ LOGFILE.close()
+def test():
+ unitsuite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[__name__])
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite([unitsuite, doctest.DocTestSuite()])
+ result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+ num_errors = len(result.errors)
+ num_failures = len(result.failures)
+ num_bad = num_errors + num_failures
+ return num_bad
+def main(args):
+ from optparse import OptionParser
+ usage="be-handle-mail [options]\n\n%s" % (__doc__)
+ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ parser.add_option('-b', '--be-dir', dest='be_dir', default=BE_DIR,
+ metavar="DIR",
+ help='Select the BE directory to serve (%default).')
+ parser.add_option('-t', '--tag-base', dest='tag_base',
+ default=SUBJECT_TAG_BASE, metavar="TAG",
+ help='Set the subject tag base (%default).')
+ parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', action='store_true',
+ help="Don't mail the generated message, print it to stdout instead. Useful for testing be-handle-mail functionality without the whole mail transfer agent and procmail setup.")
+ parser.add_option('-l', '--logfile', dest='logfile', metavar='LOGFILE',
+ help='Set the logfile to LOGFILE. Relative paths are relative to the location of this be-handle-mail file (%s). The special value of "-" directs the log output to stderr, and "none" disables logging.' % _THIS_DIR)
+ parser.add_option('-a', '--disable-autocommit', dest='autocommit',
+ default=True, action='store_false',
+ help='Disable the autocommit after parsing the email.')
+ parser.add_option('-s', '--disable-subscribers', dest='subscribers',
+ default=True, action='store_false',
+ help='Disable subscriber notification emails.')
+ parser.add_option('--notify-since', dest='notify_since', metavar='REVISION',
+ help='Notify subscribers of all changes since REVISION. When this option is set, no input email parsing is done.')
+ parser.add_option('--test', dest='test', action='store_true',
+ help='Run internal unit-tests and exit.')
+ pargs = args
+ options,args = parser.parse_args(args[1:])
+ if options.test == True:
+ num_bad = test()
+ if num_bad > 126:
+ num_bad = 1
+ sys.exit(num_bad)
+ BE_DIR = options.be_dir
+ AUTOCOMMIT = options.autocommit
+ if options.notify_since == None:
+ msg_text = sys.stdin.read()
+ libbe.encoding.set_IO_stream_encodings(ENCODING) # _after_ reading message
+ open_logfile(options.logfile)
+ generate_global_tags(options.tag_base)
+ if options.notify_since != None:
+ if options.subscribers == True:
+ if LOGFILE != None:
+ LOGFILE.write(u"Checking for subscribers to notify since revision %s\n"
+ % options.notify_since)
+ try:
+ m = Message(disable_parsing=True)
+ emails = m.subscriber_emails(options.notify_since)
+ except NotificationFailed, e:
+ if LOGFILE != None:
+ LOGFILE.write(unicode(e) + u"\n")
+ else:
+ for msg in emails:
+ if options.output == True:
+ print send_pgp_mime.flatten(msg, to_unicode=True)
+ else:
+ send_pgp_mime.mail(msg, send_pgp_mime.sendmail)
+ close_logfile()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if len(msg_text.strip()) == 0: # blank email!?
+ if LOGFILE != None:
+ LOGFILE.write(u"Blank email!\n")
+ close_logfile()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ m = Message(msg_text)
+ m.run()
+ except InvalidEmail, e:
+ response = e.response()
+ except Exception, e:
+ if LOGFILE != None:
+ LOGFILE.write(u"Uncaught exception:\n%s\n" % (e,))
+ traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_traceback, file=LOGFILE)
+ close_logfile()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ response = m.response_email()
+ if options.output == True:
+ print send_pgp_mime.flatten(response, to_unicode=True)
+ elif m.confirm == True:
+ if LOGFILE != None:
+ LOGFILE.write(u"Sending response to %s\n" % m.author_addr())
+ LOGFILE.write(u"\n%s\n\n" % send_pgp_mime.flatten(response,
+ to_unicode=True))
+ send_pgp_mime.mail(response, send_pgp_mime.sendmail)
+ else:
+ if LOGFILE != None:
+ LOGFILE.write(u"Response declined by %s\n" % m.author_addr())
+ if options.subscribers == True:
+ if LOGFILE != None:
+ LOGFILE.write(u"Checking for subscribers\n")
+ try:
+ emails = m.subscriber_emails()
+ except NotificationFailed, e:
+ if LOGFILE != None:
+ LOGFILE.write(unicode(e) + u"\n")
+ else:
+ for msg in emails:
+ if options.output == True:
+ print send_pgp_mime.flatten(msg, to_unicode=True)
+ else:
+ send_pgp_mime.mail(msg, send_pgp_mime.sendmail)
+ close_logfile()
+class GenerateGlobalTagsTestCase (unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(GenerateGlobalTagsTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.save_global_tags()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.restore_global_tags()
+ super(GenerateGlobalTagsTestCase, self).tearDown()
+ def save_global_tags(self):
+ self.saved_globals = [SUBJECT_TAG_BASE, SUBJECT_TAG_START,
+ def restore_global_tags(self):
+ self.saved_globals
+ def test_restore_global_tags(self):
+ "Test global tag restoration by teardown function."
+ self.failUnlessEqual(SUBJECT_TAG_BASE, u"be-bug")
+ SUBJECT_TAG_BASE = "projectX-bug"
+ self.failUnlessEqual(SUBJECT_TAG_BASE, u"projectX-bug")
+ self.restore_global_tags()
+ self.failUnlessEqual(SUBJECT_TAG_BASE, u"be-bug")
+ def test_subject_tag_base(self):
+ "Should set SUBJECT_TAG_BASE global correctly"
+ generate_global_tags(u"projectX-bug")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(SUBJECT_TAG_BASE, u"projectX-bug")
+ def test_subject_tag_start(self):
+ "Should set SUBJECT_TAG_START global correctly"
+ generate_global_tags(u"projectX-bug")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(SUBJECT_TAG_START, u"[projectX-bug")
+ def test_subject_tag_response(self):
+ "Should set SUBJECT_TAG_RESPONSE global correctly"
+ generate_global_tags(u"projectX-bug")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(SUBJECT_TAG_RESPONSE, u"[projectX-bug]")
+ def test_subject_tag_new(self):
+ "Should set SUBJECT_TAG_NEW global correctly"
+ generate_global_tags(u"projectX-bug")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(SUBJECT_TAG_NEW, u"[projectX-bug:submit]")
+ def test_subject_tag_control(self):
+ "Should set SUBJECT_TAG_CONTROL global correctly"
+ generate_global_tags(u"projectX-bug")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(SUBJECT_TAG_CONTROL, u"[projectX-bug]")
+ def test_subject_tag_comment(self):
+ "Should set SUBJECT_TAG_COMMENT global correctly"
+ generate_global_tags(u"projectX-bug")
+ m = SUBJECT_TAG_COMMENT.match("[projectX-bug:xyz-123]")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(m.groups()), 1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(m.group(1), u"xyz-123")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv)