path: root/becommands/subscribe.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'becommands/subscribe.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 360 deletions
diff --git a/becommands/subscribe.py b/becommands/subscribe.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 69554f7..0000000
--- a/becommands/subscribe.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-"""(Un)subscribe to change notification"""
-from libbe import cmdutil, bugdir, tree, diff
-import os, copy
-__desc__ = __doc__
-def execute(args, manipulate_encodings=True, restrict_file_access=False,
- dir="."):
- """
- >>> bd = bugdir.SimpleBugDir()
- >>> bd.set_sync_with_disk(True)
- >>> os.chdir(bd.root)
- >>> a = bd.bug_from_shortname("a")
- >>> print a.extra_strings
- []
- >>> execute(["-s","John Doe <j@doe.com>", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- Subscriptions for a:
- John Doe <j@doe.com> all *
- >>> bd._clear_bugs() # resync our copy of bug
- >>> a = bd.bug_from_shortname("a")
- >>> print a.extra_strings
- ['SUBSCRIBE:John Doe <j@doe.com>\\tall\\t*']
- >>> execute(["-s","Jane Doe <J@doe.com>", "-S", "a.com,b.net", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- Subscriptions for a:
- Jane Doe <J@doe.com> all a.com,b.net
- John Doe <j@doe.com> all *
- >>> execute(["-s","Jane Doe <J@doe.com>", "-S", "a.edu", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- Subscriptions for a:
- Jane Doe <J@doe.com> all a.com,a.edu,b.net
- John Doe <j@doe.com> all *
- >>> execute(["-u", "-s","Jane Doe <J@doe.com>", "-S", "a.com", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- Subscriptions for a:
- Jane Doe <J@doe.com> all a.edu,b.net
- John Doe <j@doe.com> all *
- >>> execute(["-s","Jane Doe <J@doe.com>", "-S", "*", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- Subscriptions for a:
- Jane Doe <J@doe.com> all *
- John Doe <j@doe.com> all *
- >>> execute(["-u", "-s","Jane Doe <J@doe.com>", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- Subscriptions for a:
- John Doe <j@doe.com> all *
- >>> execute(["-u", "-s","John Doe <j@doe.com>", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False)
- >>> execute(["-s","Jane Doe <J@doe.com>", "-t", "new", "DIR"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- Subscriptions for bug directory:
- Jane Doe <J@doe.com> new *
- >>> execute(["-s","Jane Doe <J@doe.com>", "DIR"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- Subscriptions for bug directory:
- Jane Doe <J@doe.com> all *
- >>> bd.cleanup()
- """
- parser = get_parser()
- options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
- cmdutil.default_complete(options, args, parser,
- bugid_args={0: lambda bug : bug.active==True})
- if len(args) > 1:
- help()
- raise cmdutil.UsageError("Too many arguments.")
- bd = bugdir.BugDir(from_disk=True,
- manipulate_encodings=manipulate_encodings,
- root=dir)
- subscriber = options.subscriber
- if subscriber == None:
- subscriber = bd.user_id
- if options.unsubscribe == True:
- if options.servers == None:
- options.servers = "INVALID"
- if options.types == None:
- options.types = "INVALID"
- else:
- if options.servers == None:
- options.servers = "*"
- if options.types == None:
- options.types = "all"
- servers = options.servers.split(",")
- types = options.types.split(",")
- if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == diff.BUGDIR_ID: # directory-wide subscriptions
- type_root = diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL
- entity = bd
- entity_name = "bug directory"
- else: # bug-specific subscriptions
- type_root = diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL
- bug = bd.bug_from_shortname(args[0])
- entity = bug
- entity_name = bug.uuid
- if options.list_all == True:
- entity_name = "anything in the bug directory"
- types = [diff.type_from_name(name, type_root, default=diff.INVALID_TYPE,
- default_ok=options.unsubscribe)
- for name in types]
- estrs = entity.extra_strings
- if options.list == True or options.list_all == True:
- pass
- else: # alter subscriptions
- if options.unsubscribe == True:
- estrs = unsubscribe(estrs, subscriber, types, servers, type_root)
- else: # add the tag
- estrs = subscribe(estrs, subscriber, types, servers, type_root)
- entity.extra_strings = estrs # reassign to notice change
- if options.list_all == True:
- bd.load_all_bugs()
- subscriptions = get_bugdir_subscribers(bd, servers[0])
- else:
- subscriptions = []
- for estr in entity.extra_strings:
- if estr.startswith(TAG):
- subscriptions.append(estr[len(TAG):])
- if len(subscriptions) > 0:
- print "Subscriptions for %s:" % entity_name
- print '\n'.join(subscriptions)
-def get_parser():
- parser = cmdutil.CmdOptionParser("be subscribe ID")
- parser.add_option("-u", "--unsubscribe", action="store_true",
- dest="unsubscribe", default=False,
- help="Unsubscribe instead of subscribing.")
- parser.add_option("-a", "--list-all", action="store_true",
- dest="list_all", default=False,
- help="List all subscribers (no ID argument, read only action).")
- parser.add_option("-l", "--list", action="store_true",
- dest="list", default=False,
- help="List subscribers (read only action).")
- parser.add_option("-s", "--subscriber", dest="subscriber",
- metavar="SUBSCRIBER",
- help="Email address of the subscriber (defaults to bugdir.user_id).")
- parser.add_option("-S", "--servers", dest="servers", metavar="SERVERS",
- help="Servers from which you want notification.")
- parser.add_option("-t", "--type", dest="types", metavar="TYPES",
- help="Types of changes you wish to be notified about.")
- return parser
-ID can be either a bug id, or blank/"DIR", in which case it refers to the
-whole bug directory.
-SERVERS specifies the servers from which you would like to receive
-notification. Multiple severs may be specified in a comma-separated
-list, or you can use "*" to match all servers (the default). If you
-have not selected a server, it should politely refrain from notifying
-you of changes, although there is no way to guarantee this behavior.
-Available TYPES:
- For bugs:
- For %s:
-For unsubscription, any listed SERVERS and TYPES are removed from your
-subscription. Either the catch-all server "*" or type "%s" will
-remove SUBSCRIBER entirely from the specified ID.
-This command is intended for use primarily by public interfaces, since
-if you're just hacking away on your private repository, you'll known
-what's changed ;). This command just (un)sets the appropriate
-subscriptions, and leaves it up to each interface to perform the
-""" % (diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL.string_tree(6), diff.BUGDIR_ID,
- diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL.string_tree(6),
-def help():
- return get_parser().help_str() + longhelp
-# internal helper functions
-def _generate_string(subscriber, types, servers):
- types = sorted([str(t) for t in types])
- servers = sorted(servers)
- return "%s%s\t%s\t%s" % (TAG,subscriber,",".join(types),",".join(servers))
-def _parse_string(string, type_root):
- assert string.startswith(TAG), string
- string = string[len(TAG):]
- subscriber,types,servers = string.split("\t")
- types = [diff.type_from_name(name, type_root) for name in types.split(",")]
- return (subscriber,types,servers.split(","))
-def _get_subscriber(extra_strings, subscriber, type_root):
- for i,string in enumerate(extra_strings):
- if string.startswith(TAG):
- s,ts,srvs = _parse_string(string, type_root)
- if s == subscriber:
- return i,s,ts,srvs # match!
- return None # no match
-# functions exposed to other modules
-def subscribe(extra_strings, subscriber, types, servers, type_root):
- args = _get_subscriber(extra_strings, subscriber, type_root)
- if args == None: # no match
- extra_strings.append(_generate_string(subscriber, types, servers))
- return extra_strings
- # Alter matched string
- i,s,ts,srvs = args
- for t in types:
- if t not in ts:
- ts.append(t)
- # remove descendant types
- all_ts = copy.copy(ts)
- for t in all_ts:
- for tt in all_ts:
- if tt in ts and t.has_descendant(tt):
- ts.remove(tt)
- if "*" in servers+srvs:
- srvs = ["*"]
- else:
- srvs = list(set(servers+srvs))
- extra_strings[i] = _generate_string(subscriber, ts, srvs)
- return extra_strings
-def unsubscribe(extra_strings, subscriber, types, servers, type_root):
- args = _get_subscriber(extra_strings, subscriber, type_root)
- if args == None: # no match
- return extra_strings # pass
- # Remove matched string
- i,s,ts,srvs = args
- all_ts = copy.copy(ts)
- for t in types:
- for tt in all_ts:
- if tt in ts and t.has_descendant(tt):
- ts.remove(tt)
- if "*" in servers+srvs:
- srvs = []
- else:
- for srv in servers:
- if srv in srvs:
- srvs.remove(srv)
- if len(ts) == 0 or len(srvs) == 0:
- extra_strings.pop(i)
- else:
- extra_strings[i] = _generate_string(subscriber, ts, srvs)
- return extra_strings
-def get_subscribers(extra_strings, type, server, type_root,
- match_ancestor_types=False,
- match_descendant_types=False):
- """
- Set match_ancestor_types=True if you want to find eveyone who
- cares about your particular type.
- Set match_descendant_types=True if you want to find subscribers
- who may only care about some subset of your type. This is useful
- for generating lists of all the subscribers in a given set of
- extra_strings.
- >>> def sgs(*args, **kwargs):
- ... return sorted(get_subscribers(*args, **kwargs))
- >>> es = []
- >>> es = subscribe(es, "John Doe <j@doe.com>", [diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL],
- ... ["a.com"], diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL)
- >>> es = subscribe(es, "Jane Doe <J@doe.com>", [diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_NEW],
- ... ["*"], diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL)
- >>> sgs(es, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL, "a.com", diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL)
- ['John Doe <j@doe.com>']
- >>> sgs(es, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL, "a.com", diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL,
- ... match_descendant_types=True)
- ['Jane Doe <J@doe.com>', 'John Doe <j@doe.com>']
- >>> sgs(es, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL, "b.net", diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL,
- ... match_descendant_types=True)
- ['Jane Doe <J@doe.com>']
- >>> sgs(es, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_NEW, "a.com", diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL)
- ['Jane Doe <J@doe.com>']
- >>> sgs(es, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_NEW, "a.com", diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL,
- ... match_ancestor_types=True)
- ['Jane Doe <J@doe.com>', 'John Doe <j@doe.com>']
- """
- for string in extra_strings:
- if not string.startswith(TAG):
- continue
- subscriber,types,servers = _parse_string(string, type_root)
- type_match = False
- if type in types:
- type_match = True
- if type_match == False and match_ancestor_types == True:
- for t in types:
- if t.has_descendant(type):
- type_match = True
- break
- if type_match == False and match_descendant_types == True:
- for t in types:
- if type.has_descendant(t):
- type_match = True
- break
- server_match = False
- if server in servers or servers == ["*"] or server == "*":
- server_match = True
- if type_match == True and server_match == True:
- yield subscriber
-def get_bugdir_subscribers(bugdir, server):
- """
- I have a bugdir. Who cares about it, and what do they care about?
- Returns a dict of dicts:
- subscribers[user][id] = types
- where id is either a bug.uuid (in the case of a bug subscription)
- or "%(bugdir_id)s" (in the case of a bugdir subscription).
- Only checks bugs that are currently in memory, so you might want
- to call bugdir.load_all_bugs() first.
- >>> bd = bugdir.SimpleBugDir(sync_with_disk=False)
- >>> a = bd.bug_from_shortname("a")
- >>> bd.extra_strings = subscribe(bd.extra_strings, "John Doe <j@doe.com>",
- ... [diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL], ["a.com"], diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL)
- >>> bd.extra_strings = subscribe(bd.extra_strings, "Jane Doe <J@doe.com>",
- ... [diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_NEW], ["*"], diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL)
- >>> a.extra_strings = subscribe(a.extra_strings, "John Doe <j@doe.com>",
- ... [diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL], ["a.com"], diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL)
- >>> subscribers = get_bugdir_subscribers(bd, "a.com")
- >>> subscribers["Jane Doe <J@doe.com>"]["%(bugdir_id)s"]
- [<SubscriptionType: new>]
- >>> subscribers["John Doe <j@doe.com>"]["%(bugdir_id)s"]
- [<SubscriptionType: all>]
- >>> subscribers["John Doe <j@doe.com>"]["a"]
- [<SubscriptionType: all>]
- >>> get_bugdir_subscribers(bd, "b.net")
- {'Jane Doe <J@doe.com>': {'%(bugdir_id)s': [<SubscriptionType: new>]}}
- >>> bd.cleanup()
- """ % {'bugdir_id':diff.BUGDIR_ID}
- subscribers = {}
- for sub in get_subscribers(bugdir.extra_strings, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL,
- server, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL,
- match_descendant_types=True):
- i,s,ts,srvs = _get_subscriber(bugdir.extra_strings, sub,
- subscribers[sub] = {"DIR":ts}
- for bug in bugdir:
- for sub in get_subscribers(bug.extra_strings, diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL,
- server, diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL,
- match_descendant_types=True):
- i,s,ts,srvs = _get_subscriber(bug.extra_strings, sub,
- diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL)
- if sub in subscribers:
- subscribers[sub][bug.uuid] = ts
- else:
- subscribers[sub] = {bug.uuid:ts}
- return subscribers