path: root/becommands/comment.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'becommands/comment.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/becommands/comment.py b/becommands/comment.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a614b2..0000000
--- a/becommands/comment.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc.
-# Chris Ball <cjb@laptop.org>
-# W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-"""Add a comment to a bug"""
-from libbe import cmdutil, bugdir, comment, editor
-import os
-import sys
-try: # import core module, Python >= 2.5
- from xml.etree import ElementTree
-except ImportError: # look for non-core module
- from elementtree import ElementTree
-__desc__ = __doc__
-def execute(args, manipulate_encodings=True):
- """
- >>> import time
- >>> bd = bugdir.SimpleBugDir()
- >>> os.chdir(bd.root)
- >>> execute(["a", "This is a comment about a"], manipulate_encodings=False)
- >>> bd._clear_bugs()
- >>> bug = cmdutil.bug_from_shortname(bd, "a")
- >>> bug.load_comments(load_full=False)
- >>> comment = bug.comment_root[0]
- >>> print comment.body
- This is a comment about a
- >>> comment.author == bd.user_id
- True
- >>> comment.time <= int(time.time())
- True
- >>> comment.in_reply_to is None
- True
- >>> if 'EDITOR' in os.environ:
- ... del os.environ["EDITOR"]
- >>> execute(["b"], manipulate_encodings=False)
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- UserError: No comment supplied, and EDITOR not specified.
- >>> os.environ["EDITOR"] = "echo 'I like cheese' > "
- >>> execute(["b"], manipulate_encodings=False)
- >>> bd._clear_bugs()
- >>> bug = cmdutil.bug_from_shortname(bd, "b")
- >>> bug.load_comments(load_full=False)
- >>> comment = bug.comment_root[0]
- >>> print comment.body
- I like cheese
- >>> bd.cleanup()
- """
- parser = get_parser()
- options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
- complete(options, args, parser)
- if len(args) == 0:
- raise cmdutil.UsageError("Please specify a bug or comment id.")
- if len(args) > 2:
- raise cmdutil.UsageError("Too many arguments.")
- shortname = args[0]
- if shortname.count(':') > 1:
- raise cmdutil.UserError("Invalid id '%s'." % shortname)
- elif shortname.count(':') == 1:
- # Split shortname generated by Comment.comment_shortnames()
- bugname = shortname.split(':')[0]
- is_reply = True
- else:
- bugname = shortname
- is_reply = False
- bd = bugdir.BugDir(from_disk=True,
- manipulate_encodings=manipulate_encodings)
- bug = cmdutil.bug_from_shortname(bd, bugname)
- bug.load_comments(load_full=False)
- if is_reply:
- parent = bug.comment_root.comment_from_shortname(shortname,
- bug_shortname=bugname)
- else:
- parent = bug.comment_root
- if len(args) == 1: # try to launch an editor for comment-body entry
- try:
- if parent == bug.comment_root:
- parent_body = bug.summary+"\n"
- else:
- parent_body = parent.body
- estr = "Please enter your comment above\n\n> %s\n" \
- % ("\n> ".join(parent_body.splitlines()))
- body = editor.editor_string(estr)
- except editor.CantFindEditor, e:
- raise cmdutil.UserError, "No comment supplied, and EDITOR not specified."
- if body is None:
- raise cmdutil.UserError("No comment entered.")
- elif args[1] == '-': # read body from stdin
- binary = not (options.content_type == None
- or options.content_type.startswith("text/"))
- if not binary:
- body = sys.stdin.read()
- if not body.endswith('\n'):
- body+='\n'
- else: # read-in without decoding
- body = sys.__stdin__.read()
- else: # body = arg[1]
- body = args[1]
- if not body.endswith('\n'):
- body+='\n'
- if options.XML == False:
- new = parent.new_reply(body=body)
- if options.author != None:
- new.author = options.author
- if options.alt_id != None:
- new.alt_id = options.alt_id
- if options.content_type != None:
- new.content_type = options.content_type
- else: # import XML comment [list]
- # read in the comments
- str_body = body.encode("unicode_escape").replace(r'\n', '\n')
- comment_list = ElementTree.XML(str_body)
- if comment_list.tag not in ["bug", "comment-list"]:
- raise comment.InvalidXML(
- comment_list, "root element must be <bug> or <comment-list>")
- new_comments = []
- ids = []
- for c in bug.comment_root.traverse():
- ids.append(c.uuid)
- if c.alt_id != None:
- ids.append(c.alt_id)
- for child in comment_list.getchildren():
- if child.tag == "comment":
- new = comment.Comment(bug)
- new.from_xml(unicode(ElementTree.tostring(child)).decode("unicode_escape"))
- if new.alt_id in ids:
- raise cmdutil.UserError(
- "Clashing comment alt_id: %s" % new.alt_id)
- ids.append(new.uuid)
- if new.alt_id != None:
- ids.append(new.alt_id)
- if new.in_reply_to == None:
- new.in_reply_to = parent.uuid
- new_comments.append(new)
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, "Ignoring unknown tag %s in %s" \
- % (child.tag, comment_list.tag)
- try:
- comment.list_to_root(new_comments,bug,root=parent, # link new comments
- ignore_missing_references=options.ignore_missing_references)
- except comment.MissingReference, e:
- raise cmdutil.UserError(e)
- # Protect against programmer error causing data loss:
- kids = [c.uuid for c in parent.traverse()]
- for nc in new_comments:
- assert nc.uuid in kids, "%s wasn't added to %s" % (nc.uuid, parent.uuid)
- nc.save()
-def get_parser():
- parser = cmdutil.CmdOptionParser("be comment ID [COMMENT]")
- parser.add_option("-a", "--author", metavar="AUTHOR", dest="author",
- help="Set the comment author", default=None)
- parser.add_option("--alt-id", metavar="ID", dest="alt_id",
- help="Set an alternate comment ID", default=None)
- parser.add_option("-c", "--content-type", metavar="MIME", dest="content_type",
- help="Set comment content-type (e.g. text/plain)", default=None)
- parser.add_option("-x", "--xml", action="store_true", default=False,
- dest='XML', help="Use COMMENT to specify an XML comment description rather than the comment body. The root XML element should be either <bug> or <comment-list> with one or more <comment> children. The syntax for the <comment> elements should match that generated by 'be show --xml COMMENT-ID'. Unrecognized tags are ignored. Missing tags are left at the default value. The comment UUIDs are always auto-generated, so if you set a <uuid> field, but no <alt-id> field, your <uuid> will be used as the comment's <alt-id>. An exception is raised if <alt-id> conflicts with an existing comment.")
- parser.add_option("-i", "--ignore-missing-references", action="store_true",
- dest="ignore_missing_references",
- help="For XML import, if any comment's <in-reply-to> refers to a non-existent comment, ignore it (instead of raising an exception).")
- return parser
-To add a comment to a bug, use the bug ID as the argument. To reply
-to another comment, specify the comment name (as shown in "be show"
-output). COMMENT, if specified, should be either the text of your
-comment or "-", in which case the text will be read from stdin. If
-you do not specify a COMMENT, $EDITOR is used to launch an editor. If
-COMMENT is unspecified and EDITOR is not set, no comment will be
-def help():
- return get_parser().help_str() + longhelp
-def complete(options, args, parser):
- for option,value in cmdutil.option_value_pairs(options, parser):
- if value == "--complete":
- # no argument-options at the moment, so this is future-proofing
- raise cmdutil.GetCompletions()
- for pos,value in enumerate(args):
- if value == "--complete":
- if pos == 0: # fist positional argument is a bug or comment id
- if len(args) >= 2:
- partial = args[1].split(':')[0] # take only bugid portion
- else:
- partial = ""
- ids = []
- try:
- bd = bugdir.BugDir(from_disk=True,
- manipulate_encodings=False)
- bugs = []
- for uuid in bd.list_uuids():
- if uuid.startswith(partial):
- bug = bd.bug_from_uuid(uuid)
- if bug.active == True:
- bugs.append(bug)
- for bug in bugs:
- shortname = bd.bug_shortname(bug)
- ids.append(shortname)
- bug.load_comments(load_full=False)
- for id,comment in bug.comment_shortnames(shortname):
- ids.append(id)
- except bugdir.NoBugDir:
- pass
- raise cmdutil.GetCompletions(ids)
- raise cmdutil.GetCompletions()