path: root/interfaces/web/Bugs-Everywhere-Web/libbe/comment.py
diff options
authorGianluca Montecchi <gian@grys.it>2009-10-01 23:39:28 +0200
committerGianluca Montecchi <gian@grys.it>2009-10-01 23:39:28 +0200
commited4a943875d81732bfa3127eb252c2db2e3588f4 (patch)
tree1fa7da00b01b8807adac3f3e3231fc8a78b3a6c7 /interfaces/web/Bugs-Everywhere-Web/libbe/comment.py
parente42729af0efc1a4c064e8875e728f9c3c1694a1d (diff)
Merged with head branch
Diffstat (limited to 'interfaces/web/Bugs-Everywhere-Web/libbe/comment.py')
1 files changed, 662 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/interfaces/web/Bugs-Everywhere-Web/libbe/comment.py b/interfaces/web/Bugs-Everywhere-Web/libbe/comment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3249e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/web/Bugs-Everywhere-Web/libbe/comment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+# Bugs Everywhere, a distributed bugtracker
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Chris Ball <cjb@laptop.org>
+# Thomas Habets <thomas@habets.pp.se>
+# W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import base64
+import os
+import os.path
+import sys
+import time
+import types
+try: # import core module, Python >= 2.5
+ from xml.etree import ElementTree
+except ImportError: # look for non-core module
+ from elementtree import ElementTree
+import xml.sax.saxutils
+import doctest
+from beuuid import uuid_gen
+from properties import Property, doc_property, local_property, \
+ defaulting_property, checked_property, cached_property, \
+ primed_property, change_hook_property, settings_property
+import settings_object
+import mapfile
+from tree import Tree
+import utility
+class InvalidShortname(KeyError):
+ def __init__(self, shortname, shortnames):
+ msg = "Invalid shortname %s\n%s" % (shortname, shortnames)
+ KeyError.__init__(self, msg)
+ self.shortname = shortname
+ self.shortnames = shortnames
+class InvalidXML(ValueError):
+ def __init__(self, element, comment):
+ msg = "Invalid comment xml: %s\n %s\n" \
+ % (comment, ElementTree.tostring(element))
+ ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
+ self.element = element
+ self.comment = comment
+class MissingReference(ValueError):
+ def __init__(self, comment):
+ msg = "Missing reference to %s" % (comment.in_reply_to)
+ ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
+ self.reference = comment.in_reply_to
+ self.comment = comment
+INVALID_UUID = "!!~~\n INVALID-UUID \n~~!!"
+def list_to_root(comments, bug, root=None,
+ ignore_missing_references=False):
+ """
+ Convert a raw list of comments to single root comment. We use a
+ dummy root comment by default, because there can be several
+ comment threads rooted on the same parent bug. To simplify
+ comment interaction, we condense these threads into a single
+ thread with a Comment dummy root. Can also be used to append
+ a list of subcomments to a non-dummy root comment, so long as
+ all the new comments are descendants of the root comment.
+ No Comment method should use the dummy comment.
+ """
+ root_comments = []
+ uuid_map = {}
+ for comment in comments:
+ assert comment.uuid != None
+ uuid_map[comment.uuid] = comment
+ for comment in comments:
+ if comment.alt_id != None and comment.alt_id not in uuid_map:
+ uuid_map[comment.alt_id] = comment
+ if root == None:
+ root = Comment(bug, uuid=INVALID_UUID)
+ else:
+ uuid_map[root.uuid] = root
+ for comm in comments:
+ if comm.in_reply_to == INVALID_UUID:
+ comm.in_reply_to = None
+ rep = comm.in_reply_to
+ if rep == None or rep == bug.uuid:
+ root_comments.append(comm)
+ else:
+ parentUUID = comm.in_reply_to
+ try:
+ parent = uuid_map[parentUUID]
+ parent.add_reply(comm)
+ except KeyError, e:
+ if ignore_missing_references == True:
+ print >> sys.stderr, \
+ "Ignoring missing reference to %s" % parentUUID
+ comm.in_reply_to = None
+ root_comments.append(comm)
+ else:
+ raise MissingReference(comm)
+ root.extend(root_comments)
+ return root
+def loadComments(bug, load_full=False):
+ """
+ Set load_full=True when you want to load the comment completely
+ from disk *now*, rather than waiting and lazy loading as required.
+ """
+ path = bug.get_path("comments")
+ if not os.path.isdir(path):
+ return Comment(bug, uuid=INVALID_UUID)
+ comments = []
+ for uuid in os.listdir(path):
+ if uuid.startswith('.'):
+ continue
+ comm = Comment(bug, uuid, from_disk=True)
+ comm.set_sync_with_disk(bug.sync_with_disk)
+ if load_full == True:
+ comm.load_settings()
+ dummy = comm.body # force the body to load
+ comments.append(comm)
+ return list_to_root(comments, bug)
+def saveComments(bug):
+ for comment in bug.comment_root.traverse():
+ comment.save()
+class Comment(Tree, settings_object.SavedSettingsObject):
+ """
+ >>> c = Comment()
+ >>> c.uuid != None
+ True
+ >>> c.uuid = "some-UUID"
+ >>> print c.content_type
+ text/plain
+ """
+ settings_properties = []
+ required_saved_properties = []
+ _prop_save_settings = settings_object.prop_save_settings
+ _prop_load_settings = settings_object.prop_load_settings
+ def _versioned_property(settings_properties=settings_properties,
+ required_saved_properties=required_saved_properties,
+ **kwargs):
+ if "settings_properties" not in kwargs:
+ kwargs["settings_properties"] = settings_properties
+ if "required_saved_properties" not in kwargs:
+ kwargs["required_saved_properties"]=required_saved_properties
+ return settings_object.versioned_property(**kwargs)
+ @_versioned_property(name="Alt-id",
+ doc="Alternate ID for linking imported comments. Internally comments are linked (via In-reply-to) to the parent's UUID. However, these UUIDs are generated internally, so Alt-id is provided as a user-controlled linking target.")
+ def alt_id(): return {}
+ @_versioned_property(name="From",
+ doc="The author of the comment")
+ def From(): return {}
+ @_versioned_property(name="In-reply-to",
+ doc="UUID for parent comment or bug")
+ def in_reply_to(): return {}
+ @_versioned_property(name="Content-type",
+ doc="Mime type for comment body",
+ default="text/plain",
+ require_save=True)
+ def content_type(): return {}
+ @_versioned_property(name="Date",
+ doc="An RFC 2822 timestamp for comment creation")
+ def time_string(): return {}
+ def _get_time(self):
+ if self.time_string == None:
+ return None
+ return utility.str_to_time(self.time_string)
+ def _set_time(self, value):
+ self.time_string = utility.time_to_str(value)
+ time = property(fget=_get_time,
+ fset=_set_time,
+ doc="An integer version of .time_string")
+ def _get_comment_body(self):
+ if self.rcs != None and self.sync_with_disk == True:
+ import rcs
+ binary = not self.content_type.startswith("text/")
+ return self.rcs.get_file_contents(self.get_path("body"), binary=binary)
+ def _set_comment_body(self, old=None, new=None, force=False):
+ if (self.rcs != None and self.sync_with_disk == True) or force==True:
+ assert new != None, "Can't save empty comment"
+ binary = not self.content_type.startswith("text/")
+ self.rcs.set_file_contents(self.get_path("body"), new, binary=binary)
+ @Property
+ @change_hook_property(hook=_set_comment_body)
+ @cached_property(generator=_get_comment_body)
+ @local_property("body")
+ @doc_property(doc="The meat of the comment")
+ def body(): return {}
+ def _get_rcs(self):
+ if hasattr(self.bug, "rcs"):
+ return self.bug.rcs
+ @Property
+ @cached_property(generator=_get_rcs)
+ @local_property("rcs")
+ @doc_property(doc="A revision control system instance.")
+ def rcs(): return {}
+ def _extra_strings_check_fn(value):
+ return utility.iterable_full_of_strings(value, \
+ alternative=settings_object.EMPTY)
+ def _extra_strings_change_hook(self, old, new):
+ self.extra_strings.sort() # to make merging easier
+ self._prop_save_settings(old, new)
+ @_versioned_property(name="extra_strings",
+ doc="Space for an array of extra strings. Useful for storing state for functionality implemented purely in becommands/<some_function>.py.",
+ default=[],
+ check_fn=_extra_strings_check_fn,
+ change_hook=_extra_strings_change_hook,
+ mutable=True)
+ def extra_strings(): return {}
+ def __init__(self, bug=None, uuid=None, from_disk=False,
+ in_reply_to=None, body=None):
+ """
+ Set from_disk=True to load an old comment.
+ Set from_disk=False to create a new comment.
+ The uuid option is required when from_disk==True.
+ The in_reply_to and body options are only used if
+ from_disk==False (the default). When from_disk==True, they are
+ loaded from the bug database.
+ in_reply_to should be the uuid string of the parent comment.
+ """
+ Tree.__init__(self)
+ settings_object.SavedSettingsObject.__init__(self)
+ self.bug = bug
+ self.uuid = uuid
+ if from_disk == True:
+ self.sync_with_disk = True
+ else:
+ self.sync_with_disk = False
+ if uuid == None:
+ self.uuid = uuid_gen()
+ self.time = int(time.time()) # only save to second precision
+ if self.rcs != None:
+ self.From = self.rcs.get_user_id()
+ self.in_reply_to = in_reply_to
+ self.body = body
+ def set_sync_with_disk(self, value):
+ self.sync_with_disk = True
+ def traverse(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Avoid working with the possible dummy root comment"""
+ for comment in Tree.traverse(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if comment.uuid == INVALID_UUID:
+ continue
+ yield comment
+ def _setting_attr_string(self, setting):
+ value = getattr(self, setting)
+ if value == None:
+ return ""
+ return str(value)
+ def xml(self, indent=0, shortname=None):
+ """
+ >>> comm = Comment(bug=None, body="Some\\ninsightful\\nremarks\\n")
+ >>> comm.uuid = "0123"
+ >>> comm.time_string = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000"
+ >>> print comm.xml(indent=2, shortname="com-1")
+ <comment>
+ <uuid>0123</uuid>
+ <short-name>com-1</short-name>
+ <from></from>
+ <date>Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000</date>
+ <content-type>text/plain</content-type>
+ <body>Some
+ insightful
+ remarks</body>
+ </comment>
+ """
+ if shortname == None:
+ shortname = self.uuid
+ if self.content_type.startswith("text/"):
+ body = (self.body or "").rstrip('\n')
+ else:
+ maintype,subtype = self.content_type.split('/',1)
+ msg = email.mime.base.MIMEBase(maintype, subtype)
+ msg.set_payload(self.body or "")
+ email.encoders.encode_base64(msg)
+ body = base64.encodestring(self.body or "")
+ info = [("uuid", self.uuid),
+ ("alt-id", self.alt_id),
+ ("short-name", shortname),
+ ("in-reply-to", self.in_reply_to),
+ ("from", self._setting_attr_string("From")),
+ ("date", self.time_string),
+ ("content-type", self.content_type),
+ ("body", body)]
+ lines = ["<comment>"]
+ for (k,v) in info:
+ if v != None:
+ lines.append(' <%s>%s</%s>' % (k,xml.sax.saxutils.escape(v),k))
+ lines.append("</comment>")
+ istring = ' '*indent
+ sep = '\n' + istring
+ return istring + sep.join(lines).rstrip('\n')
+ def from_xml(self, xml_string, verbose=True):
+ """
+ Note: If alt-id is not given, translates any <uuid> fields to
+ <alt-id> fields.
+ >>> commA = Comment(bug=None, body="Some\\ninsightful\\nremarks\\n")
+ >>> commA.uuid = "0123"
+ >>> commA.time_string = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000"
+ >>> xml = commA.xml(shortname="com-1")
+ >>> commB = Comment()
+ >>> commB.from_xml(xml)
+ >>> attrs=['uuid','alt_id','in_reply_to','From','time_string','content_type','body']
+ >>> for attr in attrs: # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ... if getattr(commB, attr) != getattr(commA, attr):
+ ... estr = "Mismatch on %s: '%s' should be '%s'"
+ ... args = (attr, getattr(commB, attr), getattr(commA, attr))
+ ... print estr % args
+ Mismatch on uuid: '...' should be '0123'
+ Mismatch on alt_id: '0123' should be 'None'
+ >>> print commB.alt_id
+ 0123
+ >>> commA.From
+ >>> commB.From
+ """
+ if type(xml_string) == types.UnicodeType:
+ xml_string = xml_string.strip().encode("unicode_escape")
+ comment = ElementTree.XML(xml_string)
+ if comment.tag != "comment":
+ raise InvalidXML(comment, "root element must be <comment>")
+ tags=['uuid','alt-id','in-reply-to','from','date','content-type','body']
+ uuid = None
+ body = None
+ for child in comment.getchildren():
+ if child.tag == "short-name":
+ pass
+ elif child.tag in tags:
+ if child.text == None or len(child.text) == 0:
+ text = settings_object.EMPTY
+ else:
+ text = xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(child.text)
+ text = unicode(text).decode("unicode_escape").strip()
+ if child.tag == "uuid":
+ uuid = text
+ continue # don't set the bug's uuid tag.
+ if child.tag == "body":
+ body = text
+ continue # don't set the bug's body yet.
+ elif child.tag == 'from':
+ attr_name = "From"
+ elif child.tag == 'date':
+ attr_name = 'time_string'
+ else:
+ attr_name = child.tag.replace('-','_')
+ setattr(self, attr_name, text)
+ elif verbose == True:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Ignoring unknown tag %s in %s" \
+ % (child.tag, comment.tag)
+ if self.alt_id == None and uuid not in [None, self.uuid]:
+ self.alt_id = uuid
+ if body != None:
+ if self.content_type.startswith("text/"):
+ self.body = body+"\n" # restore trailing newline
+ else:
+ self.body = base64.decodestring(body)
+ def string(self, indent=0, shortname=None):
+ """
+ >>> comm = Comment(bug=None, body="Some\\ninsightful\\nremarks\\n")
+ >>> comm.time_string = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000"
+ >>> print comm.string(indent=2, shortname="com-1")
+ --------- Comment ---------
+ Name: com-1
+ From:
+ Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000
+ Some
+ insightful
+ remarks
+ """
+ if shortname == None:
+ shortname = self.uuid
+ lines = []
+ lines.append("--------- Comment ---------")
+ lines.append("Name: %s" % shortname)
+ lines.append("From: %s" % (self._setting_attr_string("From")))
+ lines.append("Date: %s" % self.time_string)
+ lines.append("")
+ if self.content_type.startswith("text/"):
+ lines.extend((self.body or "").splitlines())
+ else:
+ lines.append("Content type %s not printable. Try XML output instead" % self.content_type)
+ istring = ' '*indent
+ sep = '\n' + istring
+ return istring + sep.join(lines).rstrip('\n')
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ >>> comm = Comment(bug=None, body="Some insightful remarks")
+ >>> comm.uuid = "com-1"
+ >>> comm.time_string = "Thu, 20 Nov 2008 15:55:11 +0000"
+ >>> comm.From = "Jane Doe <jdoe@example.com>"
+ >>> print comm
+ --------- Comment ---------
+ Name: com-1
+ From: Jane Doe <jdoe@example.com>
+ Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 15:55:11 +0000
+ Some insightful remarks
+ """
+ return self.string()
+ def get_path(self, name=None):
+ my_dir = os.path.join(self.bug.get_path("comments"), self.uuid)
+ if name is None:
+ return my_dir
+ assert name in ["values", "body"]
+ return os.path.join(my_dir, name)
+ def load_settings(self):
+ self.settings = mapfile.map_load(self.rcs, self.get_path("values"))
+ self._setup_saved_settings()
+ def save_settings(self):
+ self.rcs.mkdir(self.get_path())
+ path = self.get_path("values")
+ mapfile.map_save(self.rcs, path, self._get_saved_settings())
+ def save(self):
+ """
+ Save any loaded contents to disk.
+ However, if self.sync_with_disk = True, then any changes are
+ automatically written to disk as soon as they happen, so
+ calling this method will just waste time (unless something
+ else has been messing with your on-disk files).
+ """
+ assert self.body != None, "Can't save blank comment"
+ self.save_settings()
+ self._set_comment_body(new=self.body, force=True)
+ def remove(self):
+ for comment in self.traverse():
+ path = comment.get_path()
+ self.rcs.recursive_remove(path)
+ def add_reply(self, reply, allow_time_inversion=False):
+ if self.uuid != INVALID_UUID:
+ reply.in_reply_to = self.uuid
+ self.append(reply)
+ #raise Exception, "adding reply \n%s\n%s" % (self, reply)
+ def new_reply(self, body=None):
+ """
+ >>> comm = Comment(bug=None, body="Some insightful remarks")
+ >>> repA = comm.new_reply("Critique original comment")
+ >>> repB = repA.new_reply("Begin flamewar :p")
+ >>> repB.in_reply_to == repA.uuid
+ True
+ """
+ reply = Comment(self.bug, body=body)
+ if self.bug != None:
+ reply.set_sync_with_disk(self.bug.sync_with_disk)
+ if reply.sync_with_disk == True:
+ reply.save()
+ self.add_reply(reply)
+ return reply
+ def string_thread(self, string_method_name="string", name_map={},
+ indent=0, flatten=True,
+ auto_name_map=False, bug_shortname=None):
+ """
+ Return a string displaying a thread of comments.
+ bug_shortname is only used if auto_name_map == True.
+ string_method_name (defaults to "string") is the name of the
+ Comment method used to generate the output string for each
+ Comment in the thread. The method must take the arguments
+ indent and shortname.
+ SIDE-EFFECT: if auto_name_map==True, calls comment_shortnames()
+ which will sort the tree by comment.time. Avoid by calling
+ name_map = {}
+ for shortname,comment in comm.comment_shortnames(bug_shortname):
+ name_map[comment.uuid] = shortname
+ comm.sort(key=lambda c : c.From) # your sort
+ comm.string_thread(name_map=name_map)
+ >>> a = Comment(bug=None, uuid="a", body="Insightful remarks")
+ >>> a.time = utility.str_to_time("Thu, 20 Nov 2008 01:00:00 +0000")
+ >>> b = a.new_reply("Critique original comment")
+ >>> b.uuid = "b"
+ >>> b.time = utility.str_to_time("Thu, 20 Nov 2008 02:00:00 +0000")
+ >>> c = b.new_reply("Begin flamewar :p")
+ >>> c.uuid = "c"
+ >>> c.time = utility.str_to_time("Thu, 20 Nov 2008 03:00:00 +0000")
+ >>> d = a.new_reply("Useful examples")
+ >>> d.uuid = "d"
+ >>> d.time = utility.str_to_time("Thu, 20 Nov 2008 04:00:00 +0000")
+ >>> a.sort(key=lambda comm : comm.time)
+ >>> print a.string_thread(flatten=True)
+ --------- Comment ---------
+ Name: a
+ From:
+ Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 01:00:00 +0000
+ Insightful remarks
+ --------- Comment ---------
+ Name: b
+ From:
+ Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 02:00:00 +0000
+ Critique original comment
+ --------- Comment ---------
+ Name: c
+ From:
+ Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 03:00:00 +0000
+ Begin flamewar :p
+ --------- Comment ---------
+ Name: d
+ From:
+ Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 04:00:00 +0000
+ Useful examples
+ >>> print a.string_thread(auto_name_map=True, bug_shortname="bug-1")
+ --------- Comment ---------
+ Name: bug-1:1
+ From:
+ Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 01:00:00 +0000
+ Insightful remarks
+ --------- Comment ---------
+ Name: bug-1:2
+ From:
+ Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 02:00:00 +0000
+ Critique original comment
+ --------- Comment ---------
+ Name: bug-1:3
+ From:
+ Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 03:00:00 +0000
+ Begin flamewar :p
+ --------- Comment ---------
+ Name: bug-1:4
+ From:
+ Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 04:00:00 +0000
+ Useful examples
+ """
+ if auto_name_map == True:
+ name_map = {}
+ for shortname,comment in self.comment_shortnames(bug_shortname):
+ name_map[comment.uuid] = shortname
+ stringlist = []
+ for depth,comment in self.thread(flatten=flatten):
+ ind = 2*depth+indent
+ if comment.uuid in name_map:
+ sname = name_map[comment.uuid]
+ else:
+ sname = None
+ string_fn = getattr(comment, string_method_name)
+ stringlist.append(string_fn(indent=ind, shortname=sname))
+ return '\n'.join(stringlist)
+ def xml_thread(self, name_map={}, indent=0,
+ auto_name_map=False, bug_shortname=None):
+ return self.string_thread(string_method_name="xml", name_map=name_map,
+ indent=indent, auto_name_map=auto_name_map,
+ bug_shortname=bug_shortname)
+ def comment_shortnames(self, bug_shortname=None):
+ """
+ Iterate through (id, comment) pairs, in time order.
+ (This is a user-friendly id, not the comment uuid).
+ SIDE-EFFECT : will sort the comment tree by comment.time
+ >>> a = Comment(bug=None, uuid="a")
+ >>> b = a.new_reply()
+ >>> b.uuid = "b"
+ >>> c = b.new_reply()
+ >>> c.uuid = "c"
+ >>> d = a.new_reply()
+ >>> d.uuid = "d"
+ >>> for id,name in a.comment_shortnames("bug-1"):
+ ... print id, name.uuid
+ bug-1:1 a
+ bug-1:2 b
+ bug-1:3 c
+ bug-1:4 d
+ """
+ if bug_shortname == None:
+ bug_shortname = ""
+ self.sort(key=lambda comm : comm.time)
+ for num,comment in enumerate(self.traverse()):
+ yield ("%s:%d" % (bug_shortname, num+1), comment)
+ def comment_from_shortname(self, comment_shortname, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Use a comment shortname to look up a comment.
+ >>> a = Comment(bug=None, uuid="a")
+ >>> b = a.new_reply()
+ >>> b.uuid = "b"
+ >>> c = b.new_reply()
+ >>> c.uuid = "c"
+ >>> d = a.new_reply()
+ >>> d.uuid = "d"
+ >>> comm = a.comment_from_shortname("bug-1:3", bug_shortname="bug-1")
+ >>> id(comm) == id(c)
+ True
+ """
+ for cur_name, comment in self.comment_shortnames(*args, **kwargs):
+ if comment_shortname == cur_name:
+ return comment
+ raise InvalidShortname(comment_shortname,
+ list(self.comment_shortnames(*args, **kwargs)))
+ def comment_from_uuid(self, uuid):
+ """
+ Use a comment shortname to look up a comment.
+ >>> a = Comment(bug=None, uuid="a")
+ >>> b = a.new_reply()
+ >>> b.uuid = "b"
+ >>> c = b.new_reply()
+ >>> c.uuid = "c"
+ >>> d = a.new_reply()
+ >>> d.uuid = "d"
+ >>> comm = a.comment_from_uuid("d")
+ >>> id(comm) == id(d)
+ True
+ """
+ for comment in self.traverse():
+ if comment.uuid == uuid:
+ return comment
+ raise KeyError(uuid)
+suite = doctest.DocTestSuite()