path: root/misc/xml/be-mail-to-xml
blob: 4ec99fd7abef9bc7d5cc93c4e5de152afa00bcec (plain) (tree)
































#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Chris Ball <cjb@laptop.org>
#                         Gianluca Montecchi <gian@grys.it>
#                         W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
# This file is part of Bugs Everywhere.
# Bugs Everywhere is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# Bugs Everywhere is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Bugs Everywhere.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Convert an mbox into xml suitable for input into be.
  $ be-mbox-to-xml file.mbox | be import-xml -c <ID> -
mbox is a flat-file format, consisting of a series of messages.
Messages begin with a a From_ line, followed by RFC 822 email,
followed by a blank line.

import base64
import email.utils
from libbe.util.encoding import get_output_encoding
from libbe.util.utility import time_to_str
import mailbox # the mailbox people really want an on-disk copy
import optparse
from time import asctime, gmtime, mktime
import types
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape

BREAK = u'--' # signature separator
DEFAULT_ENCODING = get_output_encoding()


def normalize_email_address(address):
    Standardize whitespace, etc.
    addr = email.utils.formataddr(email.utils.parseaddr(address))
    if len(addr) == 0:
        return None
    return addr

def normalize_RFC_2822_date(date):
    Some email clients write non-RFC 2822-compliant date tags like:
      Fri, 18 Sep 2009 08:49:02 -0400 (EDT)
    with the non-standard (EDT) timezone name.  This funtion attempts
    to deal with such inconsistencies.
    time_tuple = email.utils.parsedate(date)
    assert time_tuple != None, \
        'unparsable date: "%s"' % date
    return time_to_str(mktime(time_tuple))

def strip_footer(body):
    body_lines = body.splitlines()
    for i,line in enumerate(body_lines):
        if line.startswith(BREAK):
        i += 1 # increment past the current valid line.
    return u'\n'.join(body_lines[:i]).strip()

def comment_message_to_xml(message, fields=None):
    if fields == None:
        fields = {}
    new_fields = {}
    new_fields[u'alt-id'] = message[u'message-id']
    new_fields[u'in-reply-to'] = message[u'in-reply-to']
    new_fields[u'author'] = normalize_email_address(message[u'from'])
    new_fields[u'date'] = message[u'date']
    if new_fields[u'date'] != None:
        new_fields[u'date'] = normalize_RFC_2822_date(new_fields[u'date'])
    new_fields[u'content-type'] = message.get_content_type()
    for k,v in new_fields.items():
        if v != None and type(v) != types.UnicodeType:
            fields[k] = unicode(v, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING)
        elif v == None and k in fields:
            new_fields[k] = fields[k]
    for k,v in fields.items():
        if k not in new_fields:
            new_fields.k = fields[k]
    fields = new_fields

    if fields[u'in-reply-to'] == None:
        if message[u'references'] != None:
            refs = message[u'references'].split()
            for ref in refs: # search for a known reference id.
                if ref in KNOWN_IDS:
                    fields[u'in-reply-to'] = ref
            if fields[u'in-reply-to'] == None and len(refs) > 0:
                fields[u'in-reply-to'] = refs[0] # default to the first
    else: # check for mutliple in-reply-to references.
        refs = fields[u'in-reply-to'].split()
        found_ref = False
        for ref in refs: # search for a known reference id.
            if ref in KNOWN_IDS:
                fields[u'in-reply-to'] = ref
                found_ref = True
        if found_ref == False and len(refs) > 0:
            fields[u'in-reply-to'] = refs[0] # default to the first

    if fields[u'alt-id'] != None:

    if message.is_multipart():
        ret = []
        alt_id = fields[u'alt-id']
        from_str = fields[u'author']
        date = fields[u'date']
        for m in message.walk():
            if m == message:
            fields[u'author'] = from_str
            fields[u'date'] = date
            if len(ret) > 0: # we've added one part already
                fields.pop(u'alt-id') # don't pass alt-id to other parts
                fields[u'in-reply-to'] = alt_id # others respond to first
            ret.append(comment_message_to_xml(m, fields))
            return u'\n'.join(ret)

    charset = message.get_content_charset(DEFAULT_ENCODING).lower()
    #assert charset == DEFAULT_ENCODING.lower(), \
    #    u"Unknown charset: %s" % charset

    if message[u'content-transfer-encoding'] == None:
        encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING
        encoding = message[u'content-transfer-encoding'].lower()
    body = message.get_payload(decode=True) # attempt to decode
    assert body != None, "Unable to decode?"
    if fields[u'content-type'].startswith(u"text/"):
        body = strip_footer(unicode(body, encoding=charset))
        body = base64.encode(body)
    fields[u'body'] = body
    lines = [u"<comment>"]
    for tag,body in fields.items():
        if body != None:
            ebody = escape(body)
            lines.append(u"  <%s>%s</%s>" % (tag, ebody, tag))
    return u'\n'.join(lines)

def main(argv):
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] mailbox')
    formats = ['mbox', 'Maildir', 'MH', 'Babyl', 'MMDF']
    parser.add_option('-f', '--format', type='choice', dest='format',
                      help="Select the mailbox format from %s.  See the mailbox module's documention for descriptions of these formats." \
                          % ', '.join(formats),
                      default='mbox', choices=formats)
    options,args = parser.parse_args(argv)
    mailbox_file = args[1]
    reader = getattr(mailbox, options.format)
    mb = reader(mailbox_file, factory=None)
    print u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s" ?>' % DEFAULT_ENCODING
    print u"<be-xml>"
    for message in mb:
        print comment_message_to_xml(message)
    print u"</be-xml>"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    import codecs

    sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(DEFAULT_ENCODING)(sys.stdout)