path: root/libbe/storage/vcs/base.py
blob: abc7a017b490c5630b8ec82952f0560206d0ffc6 (plain) (tree)















































































































































# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc.
#                         Alexander Belchenko <bialix@ukr.net>
#                         Ben Finney <benf@cybersource.com.au>
#                         Chris Ball <cjb@laptop.org>
#                         Gianluca Montecchi <gian@grys.it>
#                         W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Define the base VCS (Version Control System) class, which should be
subclassed by other Version Control System backends.  The base class
implements a "do not version" VCS.

import codecs
import os
import os.path
import re
from socket import gethostname
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile

import libbe
from utility import Dir, search_parent_directories
from subproc import CommandError, invoke
from plugin import get_plugin

if libbe.TESTING == True:
    import unittest
    import doctest

# List VCS modules in order of preference.
# Don't list this module, it is implicitly last.
VCS_ORDER = ['arch', 'bzr', 'darcs', 'git', 'hg']

def set_preferred_vcs(name):
    global VCS_ORDER
    assert name in VCS_ORDER, \
        'unrecognized VCS %s not in\n  %s' % (name, VCS_ORDER)
    VCS_ORDER.insert(0, name)

def _get_matching_vcs(matchfn):
    """Return the first module for which matchfn(VCS_instance) is true"""
    for submodname in VCS_ORDER:
        module = get_plugin('libbe', submodname)
        vcs = module.new()
        if matchfn(vcs) == True:
            return vcs
    return VCS()
def vcs_by_name(vcs_name):
    """Return the module for the VCS with the given name"""
    return _get_matching_vcs(lambda vcs: vcs.name == vcs_name)

def detect_vcs(dir):
    """Return an VCS instance for the vcs being used in this directory"""
    return _get_matching_vcs(lambda vcs: vcs.detect(dir))

def installed_vcs():
    """Return an instance of an installed VCS"""
    return _get_matching_vcs(lambda vcs: vcs.installed())

class SettingIDnotSupported(NotImplementedError):

class VCSnotRooted(Exception):
    def __init__(self):
        msg = "VCS not rooted"
        Exception.__init__(self, msg)

class PathNotInRoot(Exception):
    def __init__(self, path, root):
        msg = "Path '%s' not in root '%s'" % (path, root)
        Exception.__init__(self, msg)
        self.path = path
        self.root = root

class NoSuchFile(Exception):
    def __init__(self, pathname, root="."):
        path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, pathname))
        Exception.__init__(self, "No such file: %s" % path)

class EmptyCommit(Exception):
    def __init__(self):
        Exception.__init__(self, "No changes to commit")

def new():
    return VCS()

class VCS(object):
    This class implements a 'no-vcs' interface.

    Support for other VCSs can be added by subclassing this class, and
    overriding methods _vcs_*() with code appropriate for your VCS.
    The methods _u_*() are utility methods available to the _vcs_*()

    Sink to existing root

    Consider the following usage case:
    You have a bug directory rooted in
    by which I mean the '.be' directory is at
    However, you're of in some subdirectory like
    and you want to comment on a bug.  Setting sink_to_root=True wen
    you initialize your BugDir will cause it to search for the '.be'
    file in the ancestors of the path you passed in as 'root'.
      /path/to/source/GUI/testing/.be     miss
      /path/to/source/GUI/.be             miss
      /path/to/source/.be                 hit!
    So it still roots itself appropriately without much work for you.

    File-system access

    BugDirs live completely in memory when .sync_with_disk is False.
    This is the default configuration setup by BugDir(from_disk=False).
    If .sync_with_disk == True (e.g. BugDir(from_disk=True)), then
    any changes to the BugDir will be immediately written to disk.

    If you want to change .sync_with_disk, we suggest you use
    .set_sync_with_disk(), which propogates the new setting through to
    all bugs/comments/etc. that have been loaded into memory.  If
    you've been living in memory and want to move to
    .sync_with_disk==True, but you're not sure if anything has been
    changed in memory, a call to .save() immediately before the
    .set_sync_with_disk(True) call is a safe move.

    Regardless of .sync_with_disk, a call to .save() will write out
    all the contents that the BugDir instance has loaded into memory.
    If sync_with_disk has been True over the course of all interesting
    changes, this .save() call will be a waste of time.

    The BugDir will only load information from the file system when it
    loads new settings/bugs/comments that it doesn't already have in
    memory and .sync_with_disk == True.

    Allow storage initialization

    This one is for testing purposes.  Setting it to True allows the
    BugDir to search for an installed Storage backend and initialize
    it in the root directory.  This is a convenience option for
    supporting tests of versioning functionality
    (e.g. .duplicate_bugdir).

    Disable encoding manipulation

    This one is for testing purposed.  You might have non-ASCII
    Unicode in your bugs, comments, files, etc.  BugDir instances try
    and support your preferred encoding scheme (e.g. "utf-8") when
    dealing with stream and file input/output.  For stream output,
    this involves replacing sys.stdout and sys.stderr
    (libbe.encode.set_IO_stream_encodings).  However this messes up
    doctest's output catching.  In order to support doctest tests
    using BugDirs, set manipulate_encodings=False, and stick to ASCII
    in your tests.

        if root == None:
            root = os.getcwd()
        if sink_to_existing_root == True:
            self.root = self._find_root(root)
            if not os.path.exists(root):
                self.root = None
                raise NoRootEntry(root)
            self.root = root
        # get a temporary storage until we've loaded settings
        self.sync_with_disk = False
        self.storage = self._guess_storage()

            if assert_new_BugDir == True:
                if os.path.exists(self.get_path()):
                    raise AlreadyInitialized, self.get_path()
            if storage == None:
                storage = self._guess_storage(allow_storage_init)
            self.storage = storage

    # methods for getting the BugDir situated in the filesystem

    def _find_root(self, path):
        Search for an existing bug database dir and it's ancestors and
        return a BugDir rooted there.  Only called by __init__, and
        then only if sink_to_existing_root == True.
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            self.root = None
            raise NoRootEntry(path)
                                                      os.path.join(".be", "version"))
        if versionfile != None:
            beroot = os.path.dirname(versionfile)
            root = os.path.dirname(beroot)
            return root
            beroot = utility.search_parent_directories(path, ".be")
            if beroot == None:
                self.root = None
                raise NoBugDir(path)
            return beroot

    def _guess_storage(self, allow_storage_init=False):
        Only called by __init__.
        deepdir = self.get_path()
        if not os.path.exists(deepdir):
            deepdir = os.path.dirname(deepdir)
        new_storage = storage.detect_storage(deepdir)
        install = False
        if new_storage.name == "None":
            if allow_storage_init == True:
                new_storage = storage.installed_storage()
        return new_storage

    name = "None"
    client = "" # command-line tool for _u_invoke_client
    versioned = False
    def __init__(self, paranoid=False, encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding()):
        self.paranoid = paranoid
        self.verboseInvoke = False
        self.rootdir = None
        self._duplicateBasedir = None
        self._duplicateDirname = None
        self.encoding = encoding
    def __str__(self):
        return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self))
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)
    def _vcs_version(self):
        Return the VCS version string.
        return "0.0"
    def _vcs_detect(self, path=None):
        Detect whether a directory is revision controlled with this VCS.
        return True
    def _vcs_root(self, path):
        Get the VCS root.  This is the default working directory for
        future invocations.  You would normally set this to the root
        directory for your VCS.
        if os.path.isdir(path)==False:
            path = os.path.dirname(path)
            if path == "":
                path = os.path.abspath(".")
        return path
    def _vcs_init(self, path):
        Begin versioning the tree based at path.
    def _vcs_cleanup(self):
        Remove any cruft that _vcs_init() created outside of the
        versioned tree.
    def _vcs_get_user_id(self):
        Get the VCS's suggested user id (e.g. "John Doe <jdoe@example.com>").
        If the VCS has not been configured with a username, return None.
        return None
    def _vcs_set_user_id(self, value):
        Set the VCS's suggested user id (e.g "John Doe <jdoe@example.com>").
        This is run if the VCS has not been configured with a usename, so
        that commits will have a reasonable FROM value.
        raise SettingIDnotSupported
    def _vcs_add(self, path):
        Add the already created file at path to version control.
    def _vcs_remove(self, path):
        Remove the file at path from version control.  Optionally
        remove the file from the filesystem as well.
    def _vcs_update(self, path):
        Notify the versioning system of changes to the versioned file
        at path.
    def _vcs_get_file_contents(self, path, revision=None, binary=False):
        Get the file contents as they were in a given revision.
        Revision==None specifies the current revision.
        assert revision == None, \
            "The %s VCS does not support revision specifiers" % self.name
        if binary == False:
            f = codecs.open(os.path.join(self.rootdir, path), "r", self.encoding)
            f = open(os.path.join(self.rootdir, path), "rb")
        contents = f.read()
        return contents
    def _vcs_duplicate_repo(self, directory, revision=None):
        Get the repository as it was in a given revision.
        revision==None specifies the current revision.
        dir specifies a directory to create the duplicate in.
        shutil.copytree(self.rootdir, directory, True)
    def _vcs_commit(self, commitfile, allow_empty=False):
        Commit the current working directory, using the contents of
        commitfile as the comment.  Return the name of the old
        revision (or None if commits are not supported).
        If allow_empty == False, raise EmptyCommit if there are no
        changes to commit.
        return None
    def _vcs_revision_id(self, index):
        Return the name of the <index>th revision.  Index will be an
        integer (possibly <= 0).  The choice of which branch to follow
        when crossing branches/merges is not defined.

        Return None if revision IDs are not supported, or if the
        specified revision does not exist.
        return None
    def version(self):
        """Cache version string for efficiency."""
        if not hasattr(self, '_version'):
            self._version = self._get_version()
        return self._version
    def _get_version(self):
            ret = self._vcs_version()
            return ret
        except OSError, e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                return None
                raise OSError, e
        except CommandError:
            return None
    def installed(self):
        if self.version() != None:
            return True
        return False
    def detect(self, path="."):
        Detect whether a directory is revision controlled with this VCS.
        return self._vcs_detect(path)
    def root(self, path):
        Set the root directory to the path's VCS root.  This is the
        default working directory for future invocations.
        self.rootdir = self._vcs_root(path)
    def init(self, path):
        Begin versioning the tree based at path.
        Also roots the vcs at path.
        if os.path.isdir(path)==False:
            path = os.path.dirname(path)
    def cleanup(self):
    def get_user_id(self):
        Get the VCS's suggested user id (e.g. "John Doe <jdoe@example.com>").
        If the VCS has not been configured with a username, return the user's
        id.  You can override the automatic lookup procedure by setting the
        VCS.user_id attribute to a string of your choice.
        if hasattr(self, "user_id"):
            if self.user_id != None:
                return self.user_id
        id = self._vcs_get_user_id()
        if id == None:
            name = self._u_get_fallback_username()
            email = self._u_get_fallback_email()
            id = self._u_create_id(name, email)
            print >> sys.stderr, "Guessing id '%s'" % id
            except SettingIDnotSupported:
        return id
    def set_user_id(self, value):
        Set the VCS's suggested user id (e.g "John Doe <jdoe@example.com>").
        This is run if the VCS has not been configured with a usename, so
        that commits will have a reasonable FROM value.
    def add(self, path):
        Add the already created file at path to version control.
    def remove(self, path):
        Remove a file from both version control and the filesystem.
        if os.path.exists(path):
    def recursive_remove(self, dirname):
        Remove a file/directory and all its decendents from both
        version control and the filesystem.
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):
            raise NoSuchFile(dirname)
        for dirpath,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(dirname, topdown=False):
            for path in filenames:
                fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, path)
                if os.path.exists(fullpath) == False:
        if os.path.exists(dirname):
    def update(self, path):
        Notify the versioning system of changes to the versioned file
        at path.
    def get_file_contents(self, path, revision=None, allow_no_vcs=False, binary=False):
        Get the file as it was in a given revision.
        Revision==None specifies the current revision.

        allow_no_vcs==True allows direct access to files through
        codecs.open() or open() if the vcs decides it can't handle the
        given path.
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise NoSuchFile(path)
        if self._use_vcs(path, allow_no_vcs):
            relpath = self._u_rel_path(path)
            contents = self._vcs_get_file_contents(relpath,revision,binary=binary)
            if binary == True:
                f = codecs.open(path, "r", self.encoding)
                f = open(path, "rb")
            contents = f.read()
        return contents
    def set_file_contents(self, path, contents, allow_no_vcs=False, binary=False):
        Set the file contents under version control.
        add = not os.path.exists(path)
        if binary == False:
            f = codecs.open(path, "w", self.encoding)
            f = open(path, "wb")
        if self._use_vcs(path, allow_no_vcs):
            if add:
    def mkdir(self, path, allow_no_vcs=False, check_parents=True):
        Create (if neccessary) a directory at path under version
        if check_parents == True:
            parent = os.path.dirname(path)
            if not os.path.exists(parent): # recurse through parents
                self.mkdir(parent, allow_no_vcs, check_parents)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            if self._use_vcs(path, allow_no_vcs):
            assert os.path.isdir(path)
            if self._use_vcs(path, allow_no_vcs):
                #self.update(path)# Don't update directories.  Changing files
                pass              # underneath them should be sufficient.
    def duplicate_repo(self, revision=None):
        Get the repository as it was in a given revision.
        revision==None specifies the current revision.
        Return the path to the arbitrary directory at the base of the new repo.
        # Dirname in Basedir to protect against simlink attacks.
        if self._duplicateBasedir == None:
            self._duplicateBasedir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='BEvcs')
            self._duplicateDirname = \
                os.path.join(self._duplicateBasedir, "duplicate")
        return self._duplicateDirname
    def remove_duplicate_repo(self):
        Clean up a duplicate repo created with duplicate_repo().
        if self._duplicateBasedir != None:
            self._duplicateBasedir = None
            self._duplicateDirname = None
    def commit(self, summary, body=None, allow_empty=False):
        Commit the current working directory, with a commit message
        string summary and body.  Return the name of the old revision
        (or None if versioning is not supported).
        If allow_empty == False (the default), raise EmptyCommit if
        there are no changes to commit.
        summary = summary.strip()+'\n'
        if body is not None:
            summary += '\n' + body.strip() + '\n'
        descriptor, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
        revision = None
            temp_file = os.fdopen(descriptor, 'wb')
            revision = self._vcs_commit(filename, allow_empty=allow_empty)
        return revision
    def precommit(self):
        Executed before all attempted commits.
    def postcommit(self):
        Only executed after successful commits.
    def revision_id(self, index=None):
        Return the name of the <index>th revision.  The choice of
        which branch to follow when crossing branches/merges is not

        Return None if index==None, revision IDs are not supported, or
        if the specified revision does not exist.
        if index == None:
            return None
        return self._vcs_revision_id(index)
    def _u_any_in_string(self, list, string):
        Return True if any of the strings in list are in string.
        Otherwise return False.
        for list_string in list:
            if list_string in string:
                return True
        return False
    def _u_invoke(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if 'cwd' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['cwd'] = self.rootdir
        if 'verbose' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['verbose'] = self.verboseInvoke
        if 'encoding' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['encoding'] = self.encoding
        return invoke(*args, **kwargs)
    def _u_invoke_client(self, *args, **kwargs):
        cl_args = [self.client]
        return self._u_invoke(cl_args, **kwargs)
    def _u_search_parent_directories(self, path, filename):
        Find the file (or directory) named filename in path or in any
        of path's parents.
          search_parent_directories("/a/b/c", ".be")
        will return the path to the first existing file from
        or None if none of those files exist.
        return search_parent_directories(path, filename)
    def _use_vcs(self, path, allow_no_vcs):
        Try and decide if _vcs_add/update/mkdir/etc calls will
        succeed.  Returns True is we think the vcs_call would
        succeeed, and False otherwise.
        use_vcs = True
        exception = None
        if self.rootdir != None:
            if self.path_in_root(path) == False:
                use_vcs = False
                exception = PathNotInRoot(path, self.rootdir)
            use_vcs = False
            exception = VCSnotRooted
        if use_vcs == False and allow_no_vcs==False:
            raise exception
        return use_vcs
    def path_in_root(self, path, root=None):
        Return the relative path to path from root.
        >>> vcs = new()
        >>> vcs.path_in_root("/a.b/c/.be", "/a.b/c")
        >>> vcs.path_in_root("/a.b/.be", "/a.b/c")
        if root == None:
            if self.rootdir == None:
                raise VCSnotRooted
            root = self.rootdir
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        absRoot = os.path.abspath(root)
        absRootSlashedDir = os.path.join(absRoot,"")
        if not path.startswith(absRootSlashedDir):
            return False
        return True
    def _u_rel_path(self, path, root=None):
        Return the relative path to path from root.
        >>> vcs = new()
        >>> vcs._u_rel_path("/a.b/c/.be", "/a.b/c")
        if root == None:
            if self.rootdir == None:
                raise VCSnotRooted
            root = self.rootdir
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        absRoot = os.path.abspath(root)
        absRootSlashedDir = os.path.join(absRoot,"")
        if not path.startswith(absRootSlashedDir):
            raise PathNotInRoot(path, absRootSlashedDir)
        assert path != absRootSlashedDir, \
            "file %s == root directory %s" % (path, absRootSlashedDir)
        relpath = path[len(absRootSlashedDir):]
        return relpath
    def _u_abspath(self, path, root=None):
        Return the absolute path from a path realtive to root.
        >>> vcs = new()
        >>> vcs._u_abspath(".be", "/a.b/c")
        if root == None:
            assert self.rootdir != None, "VCS not rooted"
            root = self.rootdir
        return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, path))
    def _u_create_id(self, name, email=None):
        >>> vcs = new()
        >>> vcs._u_create_id("John Doe", "jdoe@example.com")
        'John Doe <jdoe@example.com>'
        >>> vcs._u_create_id("John Doe")
        'John Doe'
        assert len(name) > 0
        if email == None or len(email) == 0:
            return name
            return "%s <%s>" % (name, email)
    def _u_parse_id(self, value):
        >>> vcs = new()
        >>> vcs._u_parse_id("John Doe <jdoe@example.com>")
        ('John Doe', 'jdoe@example.com')
        >>> vcs._u_parse_id("John Doe")
        ('John Doe', None)
        >>> try:
        ...     vcs._u_parse_id("John Doe <jdoe@example.com><what?>")
        ... except AssertionError:
        ...     print "Invalid match"
        Invalid match
        emailexp = re.compile("(.*) <([^>]*)>(.*)")
        match = emailexp.search(value)
        if match == None:
            email = None
            name = value
            assert len(match.groups()) == 3
            assert match.groups()[2] == "", match.groups()
            email = match.groups()[1]
            name = match.groups()[0]
        assert name != None
        assert len(name) > 0
        return (name, email)
    def _u_get_fallback_username(self):
        name = None
        for envariable in ["LOGNAME", "USERNAME"]:
            if os.environ.has_key(envariable):
                name = os.environ[envariable]
        assert name != None
        return name
    def _u_get_fallback_email(self):
        hostname = gethostname()
        name = self._u_get_fallback_username()
        return "%s@%s" % (name, hostname)
    def _u_parse_commitfile(self, commitfile):
        Split the commitfile created in self.commit() back into
        summary and header lines.
        f = codecs.open(commitfile, "r", self.encoding)
        summary = f.readline()
        body = f.read()
        if len(body) == 0:
            body = None
        return (summary, body)

    def check_disk_version(self):
        version = self.get_version()
        if version != upgrade.BUGDIR_DISK_VERSION:
            upgrade.upgrade(self.root, version)

    def disk_version(self, path=None, use_none_vcs=False,
        Requires disk access.
        if path == None:
            path = self.get_path("version")
        allow_no_vcs = not VCS.path_in_root(path)
        if allow_no_vcs == True:
            assert for_duplicate_bugdir == True
        return self.get(path, allow_no_vcs=allow_no_vcs).rstrip("\n")

    def set_disk_version(self):
        Requires disk access.
        if self.sync_with_disk == False:
            raise DiskAccessRequired("set version")

if libbe.TESTING == True:
    def setup_vcs_test_fixtures(testcase):
        """Set up test fixtures for VCS test case."""
        testcase.vcs = testcase.Class()
        testcase.dir = Dir()
        testcase.dirname = testcase.dir.path

        vcs_not_supporting_uninitialized_user_id = []
        vcs_not_supporting_set_user_id = ["None", "hg"]
        testcase.vcs_supports_uninitialized_user_id = (
            testcase.vcs.name not in vcs_not_supporting_uninitialized_user_id)
        testcase.vcs_supports_set_user_id = (
            testcase.vcs.name not in vcs_not_supporting_set_user_id)

        if not testcase.vcs.installed():
                "%(name)s VCS not found" % vars(testcase.Class))

        if testcase.Class.name != "None":
                "Detected %(name)s VCS before initialising"
                    % vars(testcase.Class))


    class VCSTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
        """Test cases for base VCS class."""

        Class = VCS

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super(VCSTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self.dirname = None

        def setUp(self):
            super(VCSTestCase, self).setUp()

        def tearDown(self):
            super(VCSTestCase, self).tearDown()

        def full_path(self, rel_path):
            return os.path.join(self.dirname, rel_path)

    class VCS_init_TestCase(VCSTestCase):
        """Test cases for VCS.init method."""

        def test_detect_should_succeed_after_init(self):
            """Should detect VCS in directory after initialization."""
                "Did not detect %(name)s VCS after initialising"
                    % vars(self.Class))

        def test_vcs_rootdir_in_specified_root_path(self):
            """VCS root directory should be in specified root path."""
            rp = os.path.realpath(self.vcs.rootdir)
            dp = os.path.realpath(self.dirname)
            vcs_name = self.Class.name
                dp == rp or rp == None,
                "%(vcs_name)s VCS root in wrong dir (%(dp)s %(rp)s)" % vars())

    class VCS_get_user_id_TestCase(VCSTestCase):
        """Test cases for VCS.get_user_id method."""

        def test_gets_existing_user_id(self):
            """Should get the existing user ID."""
            if not self.vcs_supports_uninitialized_user_id:

            user_id = self.vcs.get_user_id()
                user_id is not None,
                "unable to get a user id")

    class VCS_set_user_id_TestCase(VCSTestCase):
        """Test cases for VCS.set_user_id method."""

        def setUp(self):
            super(VCS_set_user_id_TestCase, self).setUp()

            if self.vcs_supports_uninitialized_user_id:
                self.prev_user_id = self.vcs.get_user_id()
                self.prev_user_id = "Uninitialized identity <bogus@example.org>"

            if self.vcs_supports_set_user_id:
                self.test_new_user_id = "John Doe <jdoe@example.com>"

        def tearDown(self):
            if self.vcs_supports_set_user_id:
            super(VCS_set_user_id_TestCase, self).tearDown()

        def test_raises_error_in_unsupported_vcs(self):
            """Should raise an error in a VCS that doesn't support it."""
            if self.vcs_supports_set_user_id:
                self.vcs.set_user_id, "foo")

        def test_updates_user_id_in_supporting_vcs(self):
            """Should update the user ID in an VCS that supports it."""
            if not self.vcs_supports_set_user_id:
            user_id = self.vcs.get_user_id()
                self.test_new_user_id, user_id,
                "user id not set correctly (expected %s, got %s)"
                    % (self.test_new_user_id, user_id))

    def setup_vcs_revision_test_fixtures(testcase):
        """Set up revision test fixtures for VCS test case."""
        testcase.test_dirs = ['a', 'a/b', 'c']
        for path in testcase.test_dirs:

        testcase.test_files = ['a/text', 'a/b/text']

        testcase.test_contents = {
            'rev_1': "Lorem ipsum",
            'uncommitted': "dolor sit amet",

    class VCS_mkdir_TestCase(VCSTestCase):
        """Test cases for VCS.mkdir method."""

        def setUp(self):
            super(VCS_mkdir_TestCase, self).setUp()

        def tearDown(self):
            for path in reversed(sorted(self.test_dirs)):
            super(VCS_mkdir_TestCase, self).tearDown()

        def test_mkdir_creates_directory(self):
            """Should create specified directory in filesystem."""
            for path in self.test_dirs:
                full_path = self.full_path(path)
                    "path %(full_path)s does not exist" % vars())

    class VCS_commit_TestCase(VCSTestCase):
        """Test cases for VCS.commit method."""

        def setUp(self):
            super(VCS_commit_TestCase, self).setUp()

        def tearDown(self):
            for path in reversed(sorted(self.test_dirs)):
            super(VCS_commit_TestCase, self).tearDown()

        def test_file_contents_as_specified(self):
            """Should set file contents as specified."""
            test_contents = self.test_contents['rev_1']
            for path in self.test_files:
                full_path = self.full_path(path)
                self.vcs.set_file_contents(full_path, test_contents)
                current_contents = self.vcs.get_file_contents(full_path)
                self.failUnlessEqual(test_contents, current_contents)

        def test_file_contents_as_committed(self):
            """Should have file contents as specified after commit."""
            test_contents = self.test_contents['rev_1']
            for path in self.test_files:
                full_path = self.full_path(path)
                self.vcs.set_file_contents(full_path, test_contents)
                revision = self.vcs.commit("Initial file contents.")
                current_contents = self.vcs.get_file_contents(full_path)
                self.failUnlessEqual(test_contents, current_contents)

        def test_file_contents_as_set_when_uncommitted(self):
            """Should set file contents as specified after commit."""
            if not self.vcs.versioned:
            for path in self.test_files:
                full_path = self.full_path(path)
                    full_path, self.test_contents['rev_1'])
                revision = self.vcs.commit("Initial file contents.")
                    full_path, self.test_contents['uncommitted'])
                current_contents = self.vcs.get_file_contents(full_path)
                    self.test_contents['uncommitted'], current_contents)

        def test_revision_file_contents_as_committed(self):
            """Should get file contents as committed to specified revision."""
            if not self.vcs.versioned:
            for path in self.test_files:
                full_path = self.full_path(path)
                    full_path, self.test_contents['rev_1'])
                revision = self.vcs.commit("Initial file contents.")
                    full_path, self.test_contents['uncommitted'])
                committed_contents = self.vcs.get_file_contents(
                    full_path, revision)
                    self.test_contents['rev_1'], committed_contents)

        def test_revision_id_as_committed(self):
            """Check for compatibility between .commit() and .revision_id()"""
            if not self.vcs.versioned:
                self.failUnlessEqual(self.vcs.revision_id(5), None)
            committed_revisions = []
            for path in self.test_files:
                full_path = self.full_path(path)
                    full_path, self.test_contents['rev_1'])
                revision = self.vcs.commit("Initial %s contents." % path)
                    full_path, self.test_contents['uncommitted'])
                revision = self.vcs.commit("Altered %s contents." % path)
            for i,revision in enumerate(committed_revisions):
                self.failUnlessEqual(self.vcs.revision_id(i), revision)
                i += -len(committed_revisions) # check negative indices
                self.failUnlessEqual(self.vcs.revision_id(i), revision)
            i = len(committed_revisions)
            self.failUnlessEqual(self.vcs.revision_id(i), None)
            self.failUnlessEqual(self.vcs.revision_id(-i-1), None)

        def test_revision_id_as_committed(self):
            """Check revision id before first commit"""
            if not self.vcs.versioned:
                self.failUnlessEqual(self.vcs.revision_id(5), None)
            committed_revisions = []
            for path in self.test_files:
                self.failUnlessEqual(self.vcs.revision_id(0), None)

    class VCS_duplicate_repo_TestCase(VCSTestCase):
        """Test cases for VCS.duplicate_repo method."""

        def setUp(self):
            super(VCS_duplicate_repo_TestCase, self).setUp()

        def tearDown(self):
            for path in reversed(sorted(self.test_dirs)):
            super(VCS_duplicate_repo_TestCase, self).tearDown()

        def test_revision_file_contents_as_committed(self):
            """Should match file contents as committed to specified revision.
            if not self.vcs.versioned:
            for path in self.test_files:
                full_path = self.full_path(path)
                    full_path, self.test_contents['rev_1'])
                revision = self.vcs.commit("Commit current status")
                    full_path, self.test_contents['uncommitted'])
                dup_repo_path = self.vcs.duplicate_repo(revision)
                dup_file_path = os.path.join(dup_repo_path, path)
                dup_file_contents = file(dup_file_path, 'rb').read()
                    self.test_contents['rev_1'], dup_file_contents)

    def make_vcs_testcase_subclasses(vcs_class, namespace):
        """Make VCSTestCase subclasses for vcs_class in the namespace."""
        vcs_testcase_classes = [
            c for c in (
                ob for ob in globals().values() if isinstance(ob, type))
            if issubclass(c, VCSTestCase)]

        for base_class in vcs_testcase_classes:
            testcase_class_name = vcs_class.__name__ + base_class.__name__
            testcase_class_bases = (base_class,)
            testcase_class_dict = dict(base_class.__dict__)
            testcase_class_dict['Class'] = vcs_class
            testcase_class = type(
                testcase_class_name, testcase_class_bases, testcase_class_dict)
            setattr(namespace, testcase_class_name, testcase_class)

    unitsuite =unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[__name__])
    suite = unittest.TestSuite([unitsuite, doctest.DocTestSuite()])