# Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Chris Ball <cjb@laptop.org>
# W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
# This file is part of Bugs Everywhere.
# Bugs Everywhere is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# Bugs Everywhere is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Bugs Everywhere. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Define the :py:class:`Serve` serving BE Storage over HTTP.
See Also
:py:mod:`libbe.storage.http` : the associated client
import logging
import os.path
import libbe
import libbe.command
import libbe.command.util
import libbe.util.http
import libbe.util.subproc
import libbe.util.wsgi
import libbe.version
if libbe.TESTING:
import copy
import doctest
import StringIO
import sys
import unittest
import wsgiref.validate
import cherrypy.test.webtest
cherrypy_test_webtest = True
except ImportError:
cherrypy_test_webtest = None
import libbe.bugdir
import libbe.util.wsgi
class ServerApp (libbe.util.wsgi.WSGI_AppObject,
"""WSGI server for a BE Storage instance over HTTP.
RESTful_ WSGI request handler for serving the
libbe.storage.http.HTTP backend with GET, POST, and HEAD commands.
For more information on authentication and REST, see John
Calcote's `Open Sourcery article`_
.. _RESTful: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/rest_arch_style.htm
.. _Open Sourcery article: http://jcalcote.wordpress.com/2009/08/10/restful-authentication/
This serves files from a connected storage instance, usually
a VCS-based repository located on the local machine.
The GET and HEAD requests are identical except that the HEAD
request omits the actual content of the file.
server_version = 'BE-storage-server/' + libbe.version.version()
def __init__(self, storage=None, notify=False, **kwargs):
super(ServerApp, self).__init__(
(r'^add/?', self.add),
(r'^exists/?', self.exists),
(r'^remove/?', self.remove),
(r'^ancestors/?', self.ancestors),
(r'^children/?', self.children),
(r'^get/(.+)', self.get),
(r'^set/(.+)', self.set),
(r'^commit/?', self.commit),
(r'^revision-id/?', self.revision_id),
(r'^changed/?', self.changed),
(r'^version/?', self.version),
self.storage = storage
self.notify = notify
# handlers
def add(self, environ, start_response):
data = self.post_data(environ)
source = 'post'
id = self.data_get_id(data, source=source)
parent = self.data_get_string(
data, 'parent', default=None, source=source)
directory = self.data_get_boolean(
data, 'directory', default=False, source=source)
self.storage.add(id, parent=parent, directory=directory)
if self.notify:
self._notify(environ, 'add', id,
[('parent', parent), ('directory', directory)])
return self.ok_response(environ, start_response, None)
def exists(self, environ, start_response):
data = self.query_data(environ)
source = 'query'
id = self.data_get_id(data, source=source)
revision = self.data_get_string(
data, 'revision', default=None, source=source)
content = str(self.storage.exists(id, revision))
return self.ok_response(environ, start_response, content)
def remove(self, environ, start_response):
data = self.post_data(environ)
source = 'post'
id = self.data_get_id(data, source=source)
recursive = self.data_get_boolean(
data, 'recursive', default=False, source=source)
if recursive == True:
if self.notify:
self._notify(environ, 'remove', id, [('recursive', recursive)])
return self.ok_response(environ, start_response, None)
def ancestors(self, environ, start_response):
data = self.query_data(environ)
source = 'query'
id = self.data_get_id(data, source=source)
revision = self.data_get_string(
data, 'revision', default=None, source=source)
content = '\n'.join(self.storage.ancestors(id, revision))+'\n'
return self.ok_response(environ, start_response, content)
def children(self, environ, start_response):
data = self.query_data(environ)
source = 'query'
id = self.data_get_id(data, default=None, source=source)
revision = self.data_get_string(
data, 'revision', default=None, source=source)
content = '\n'.join(self.storage.children(id, revision))
return self.ok_response(environ, start_response, content)
def get(self, environ, start_response):
data = self.query_data(environ)
source = 'query'
id = environ['be-server.url_args'][0]
raise libbe.util.wsgi.HandlerError(404, 'Not Found')
revision = self.data_get_string(
data, 'revision', default=None, source=source)
content = self.storage.get(id, revision=revision)
be_version = self.storage.storage_version(revision)
return self.ok_response(environ, start_response, content,
headers=[('X-BE-Version', be_version)])
def set(self, environ, start_response):
data = self.post_data(environ)
id = environ['be-server.url_args'][0]
raise libbe.util.wsgi.HandlerError(404, 'Not Found')
if not 'value' in data:
raise libbe.util.wsgi.HandlerError(406, 'Missing query key value')
value = data['value']
self.storage.set(id, value)
if self.notify:
self._notify(environ, 'set', id, [('value', value)])
return self.ok_response(environ, start_response, None)
def commit(self, environ, start_response):
data = self.post_data(environ)
if not 'summary' in data:
raise libbe.util.wsgi.HandlerError(
406, 'Missing query key summary')
summary = data['summary']
if not 'body' in data or data['body'] == 'None':
data['body'] = None
body = data['body']
if not 'allow_empty' in data \
or data['allow_empty'] == 'True':
allow_empty = True
allow_empty = False
revision = self.storage.commit(summary, body, allow_empty)
except libbe.storage.EmptyCommit, e:
raise libbe.util.wsgi.HandlerError(
libbe.util.http.HTTP_USER_ERROR, 'EmptyCommit')
if self.notify:
self._notify(environ, 'commit', id,
[('allow_empty', allow_empty), ('summary', summary),
('body', body)])
return self.ok_response(environ, start_response, revision)
def revision_id(self, environ, start_response):
data = self.query_data(environ)
source = 'query'
index = int(self.data_get_string(
data, 'index', default=libbe.util.wsgi.HandlerError,
content = self.storage.revision_id(index)
return self.ok_response(environ, start_response, content)
def changed(self, environ, start_response):
data = self.query_data(environ)
source = 'query'
revision = self.data_get_string(
data, 'revision', default=None, source=source)
add,mod,rem = self.storage.changed(revision)
content = '\n\n'.join(['\n'.join(p) for p in (add,mod,rem)])
return self.ok_response(environ, start_response, content)
def version(self, environ, start_response):
data = self.query_data(environ)
source = 'query'
revision = self.data_get_string(
data, 'revision', default=None, source=source)
content = self.storage.storage_version(revision)
return self.ok_response(environ, start_response, content)
def _notify(self, environ, command, id, params):
message = self._format_notification(environ, command, id, params)
def _format_notification(self, environ, command, id, params):
key_length = len('command')
for key,value in params:
if len(key) > key_length and '\n' not in str(value):
key_length = len(key)
key_length += 1
lines = []
multi_line_params = []
for key,value in [('address', environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '-')),
('command', command), ('id', id)]+params:
v = str(value)
if '\n' in v:
lines.append('%*.*s %s' % (key_length, key_length, key+':', v))
for key,value in multi_line_params:
lines.extend(['=== START %s ===' % key, v,
'=== STOP %s ===' % key, ''])
return '\n'.join(lines)
def _submit_notification(self, message):
libbe.util.subproc.invoke(self.notify, stdin=message, shell=True)
class ServeStorage (libbe.util.wsgi.ServerCommand):
"""Serve bug directory storage over HTTP.
This allows you to run local `be` commands interfacing with remote
data, transmitting file reads/writes/etc. over the network.
:py:class:`~libbe.command.base.Command` wrapper around
name = 'serve-storage'
def _get_app(self, logger, storage, **kwargs):
return ServerApp(
logger=logger, storage=storage, notify=kwargs.get('notify', False))
def _long_help(self):
return """
Example usage::
$ be serve-storage
And in another terminal (or after backgrounding the server)::
$ be --repo http://localhost:8000/ list
If you bind your server to a public interface, take a look at the
``--read-only`` option or the combined ``--ssl --auth FILE``
options so other people can't mess with your repository. If you do use
authentication, you'll need to send in your username and password::
$ be --repo http://username:password@localhost:8000/ list
# alias for libbe.command.base.get_command_class()
Serve_storage = ServeStorage
if libbe.TESTING:
class ServerAppTestCase (libbe.util.wsgi.WSGITestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(ServerAppTestCase, self).setUp()
self.bd = libbe.bugdir.SimpleBugDir(memory=False)
self.app = ServerApp(self.bd.storage, logger=self.logger)
def tearDown(self):
super(ServerAppTestCase, self).tearDown()
def test_add_get(self):
self.getURL(self.app, '/add/', method='GET')
except libbe.util.wsgi.HandlerError as e:
self.failUnless(e.code == 404, e)
self.fail('GET /add/ did not raise 404')
def test_add_post(self):
self.getURL(self.app, '/add/', method='POST',
data_dict={'id':'123456', 'parent':'abc123',
self.failUnless(self.status == '200 OK', self.status)
self.failUnless(self.response_headers == [],
self.failUnless(self.exc_info is None, self.exc_info)
# Note: other methods tested in libbe.storage.http
# TODO: integration tests on Serve?
unitsuite =unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[__name__])
suite = unittest.TestSuite([unitsuite, doctest.DocTestSuite()])