path: root/libbe/bugdir.py
blob: 8f11075a1edc9bfdba8814ad39d605f1a45f0178 (plain) (tree)










































































































# Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Aaron Bentley <abentley@panoramicfeedback.com>
#                         Alexander Belchenko <bialix@ukr.net>
#                         Chris Ball <cjb@laptop.org>
#                         Gianluca Montecchi <gian@grys.it>
#                         Oleg Romanyshyn <oromanyshyn@panoramicfeedback.com>
#                         W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
# This file is part of Bugs Everywhere.
# Bugs Everywhere is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# Bugs Everywhere is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Bugs Everywhere.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

"""Define the :class:`BugDir` class for storing a collection of bugs.

import copy
import errno
import os
import os.path
import time
import types
try: # import core module, Python >= 2.5
    from xml.etree import ElementTree
except ImportError: # look for non-core module
    from elementtree import ElementTree
import xml.sax.saxutils

import libbe
import libbe.storage as storage
from libbe.storage.util.properties import Property, doc_property, \
    local_property, defaulting_property, checked_property, \
    fn_checked_property, cached_property, primed_property, \
    change_hook_property, settings_property
import libbe.storage.util.settings_object as settings_object
import libbe.storage.util.mapfile as mapfile
import libbe.bug as bug
import libbe.util.utility as utility
import libbe.util.id

if libbe.TESTING == True:
    import doctest
    import sys
    import unittest

    import libbe.storage.base

class NoBugMatches(libbe.util.id.NoIDMatches):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        libbe.util.id.NoIDMatches.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    def __str__(self):
        if self.msg == None:
            return 'No bug matches %s' % self.id
        return self.msg

class BugDir (list, settings_object.SavedSettingsObject):
    """A BugDir is a container for :class:`~libbe.bug.Bug`\s, with some
    additional attributes.

    storage : :class:`~libbe.storage.base.Storage`
       Storage instance containing the bug directory.  If
       `from_storage` is `False`, `storage` may be `None`.
    uuid : str, optional
       Set the bugdir UUID (see :mod:`libbe.util.id`).
       Useful if you are loading one of several bugdirs
       stored in a single Storage instance.
    from_storage : bool, optional
       If `True`, attempt to load from storage.  Otherwise,
       setup in memory, saving to `storage` if it is not `None`.

    See Also
    :class:`SimpleBugDir` for some bugdir manipulation exampes.

    settings_properties = []
    required_saved_properties = []
    _prop_save_settings = settings_object.prop_save_settings
    _prop_load_settings = settings_object.prop_load_settings
    def _versioned_property(settings_properties=settings_properties,
        if "settings_properties" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["settings_properties"] = settings_properties
        if "required_saved_properties" not in kwargs:
        return settings_object.versioned_property(**kwargs)

                         doc="The current project development target.")
    def target(): return {}

    def _setup_severities(self, severities):
        if severities not in [None, settings_object.EMPTY]:
    def _set_severities(self, old_severities, new_severities):
        self._prop_save_settings(old_severities, new_severities)
                         doc="The allowed bug severities and their descriptions.",
    def severities(): return {}

    def _setup_status(self, active_status, inactive_status):
        bug.load_status(active_status, inactive_status)
    def _set_active_status(self, old_active_status, new_active_status):
        self._setup_status(new_active_status, self.inactive_status)
        self._prop_save_settings(old_active_status, new_active_status)
                         doc="The allowed active bug states and their descriptions.",
    def active_status(): return {}

    def _set_inactive_status(self, old_inactive_status, new_inactive_status):
        self._setup_status(self.active_status, new_inactive_status)
        self._prop_save_settings(old_inactive_status, new_inactive_status)
                         doc="The allowed inactive bug states and their descriptions.",
    def inactive_status(): return {}

    def _extra_strings_check_fn(value):
        return utility.iterable_full_of_strings(value, \
    def _extra_strings_change_hook(self, old, new):
        self.extra_strings.sort() # to make merging easier
        self._prop_save_settings(old, new)
                         doc="Space for an array of extra strings.  Useful for storing state for functionality implemented purely in becommands/<some_function>.py.",
    def extra_strings(): return {}

    def _bug_map_gen(self):
        map = {}
        for bug in self:
            map[bug.uuid] = bug
        for uuid in self.uuids():
            if uuid not in map:
                map[uuid] = None
        self._bug_map_value = map # ._bug_map_value used by @local_property

    @doc_property(doc="A dict of (bug-uuid, bug-instance) pairs.")
    def _bug_map(): return {}

    def __init__(self, storage, uuid=None, from_storage=False):
        self.storage = storage
        self.id = libbe.util.id.ID(self, 'bugdir')
        self.uuid = uuid
        if from_storage == True:
            if self.uuid == None:
                self.uuid = [c for c in self.storage.children()
                             if c != 'version'][0]
            if self.uuid == None:
                self.uuid = libbe.util.id.uuid_gen()
            if self.storage != None and self.storage.is_writeable():

    # methods for saving/loading/accessing settings and properties.

    def load_settings(self, settings_mapfile=None):
        if settings_mapfile == None:
            settings_mapfile = \
                self.storage.get(self.id.storage('settings'), default='\n')
            settings = mapfile.parse(settings_mapfile)
        except mapfile.InvalidMapfileContents, e:
            raise Exception('Invalid settings file for bugdir %s\n'
                            '(BE version missmatch?)' % self.id.user())
        self._setup_status(self.active_status, self.inactive_status)

    def save_settings(self):
        mf = mapfile.generate(self._get_saved_settings())
        self.storage.set(self.id.storage('settings'), mf)

    def load_all_bugs(self):
        Warning: this could take a while.
        for uuid in self.uuids():

    def save(self):
        Save any loaded contents to storage.  Because of lazy loading
        of bugs and comments, this is actually not too inefficient.

        However, if self.storage.is_writeable() == True, then any
        changes are automatically written to storage as soon as they
        happen, so calling this method will just waste time (unless
        something else has been messing with your stored files).
        self.storage.add(self.id.storage(), directory=True)
        self.storage.add(self.id.storage('settings'), parent=self.id.storage(),
        for bug in self:
            bug.bugdir = self
            bug.storage = self.storage

    # methods for managing bugs

    def uuids(self, use_cached_disk_uuids=True):
        if use_cached_disk_uuids==False or not hasattr(self, '_uuids_cache'):
        self._uuids_cache = self._uuids_cache.union([bug.uuid for bug in self])
        return self._uuids_cache

    def _refresh_uuid_cache(self):
        self._uuids_cache = set()
        # list bugs that are in storage
        if self.storage != None and self.storage.is_readable():
            child_uuids = libbe.util.id.child_uuids(
            for id in child_uuids:

    def _clear_bugs(self):
        while len(self) > 0:
        if hasattr(self, '_uuids_cache'):

    def _load_bug(self, uuid):
        bg = bug.Bug(bugdir=self, uuid=uuid, from_storage=True)
        return bg

    def new_bug(self, summary=None, _uuid=None):
        bg = bug.Bug(bugdir=self, uuid=_uuid, summary=summary,
        self.append(bg, update=True)
        return bg

    def append(self, bug, update=False):
        super(BugDir, self).append(bug)
        if update:
            bug.bugdir = self
            bug.storage = self.storage
            if (hasattr(self, '_uuids_cache') and
                not bug.uuid in self._uuids_cache):

    def remove_bug(self, bug):
        if hasattr(self, '_uuids_cache') and bug.uuid in self._uuids_cache:
        if self.storage != None and self.storage.is_writeable():

    def bug_from_uuid(self, uuid):
        if not self.has_bug(uuid):
            raise NoBugMatches(
                uuid, self.uuids(),
                'No bug matches %s in %s' % (uuid, self.storage))
        if self._bug_map[uuid] == None:
        return self._bug_map[uuid]

    def has_bug(self, bug_uuid):
        if bug_uuid not in self._bug_map:
            if bug_uuid not in self._bug_map:
                return False
        return True

    def xml(self, indent=0, show_bugs=False, show_comments=False):
        >>> bug.load_severities(bug.severity_def)
        >>> bug.load_status(
        ...     active_status_def=bug.active_status_def,
        ...     inactive_status_def=bug.inactive_status_def)
        >>> bugdirA = SimpleBugDir(memory=True)
        >>> bugdirA.severities
        >>> bugdirA.severities = (('minor', 'The standard bug level.'),)
        >>> bugdirA.inactive_status = (
        ...     ('closed', 'The bug is no longer relevant.'),)
        >>> bugA = bugdirA.bug_from_uuid('a')
        >>> commA = bugA.comment_root.new_reply(body='comment A')
        >>> commA.uuid = 'commA'
        >>> commA.date = 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:03:00 +0000'
        >>> print(bugdirA.xml(show_bugs=True, show_comments=True))
        ... # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
              <value>The standard bug level.</value>
              <value>The bug is no longer relevant.</value>
            <creator>John Doe &lt;jdoe@example.com&gt;</creator>
            <created>Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000</created>
            <summary>Bug A</summary>
              <date>Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:03:00 +0000</date>
              <body>comment A</body>
            <creator>Jane Doe &lt;jdoe@example.com&gt;</creator>
            <created>Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000</created>
            <summary>Bug B</summary>
        >>> bug.load_severities(bug.severity_def)
        >>> bug.load_status(
        ...     active_status_def=bug.active_status_def,
        ...     inactive_status_def=bug.inactive_status_def)
        >>> bugdirA.cleanup()
        info = [('uuid', self.uuid),
                ('short-name', self.id.user()),
                ('target', self.target),
                ('severities', self.severities),
                ('active-status', self.active_status),
                ('inactive-status', self.inactive_status),
        lines = ['<bugdir>']
        for (k,v) in info:
            if v is not None:
                if k in ['severities', 'active-status', 'inactive-status']:
                    lines.append('  <{}>'.format(k))
                    for vk,vv in v:
                                '    <entry>',
                                '      <key>{}</key>'.format(
                                '      <value>{}</value>'.format(
                                '    </entry>',
                    lines.append('  </{}>'.format(k))
                    v = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(v)
                    lines.append('  <{0}>{1}</{0}>'.format(k, v))
        for estr in self.extra_strings:
            lines.append('  <extra-string>{}</extra-string>'.format(estr))
        if show_bugs:
            for bug in self:
                bug_xml = bug.xml(indent=indent+2, show_comments=show_comments)
                if bug_xml:
                    bug_xml = bug_xml[indent:]  # strip leading indent spaces
        istring = ' '*indent
        sep = '\n' + istring
        return istring + sep.join(lines).rstrip('\n')

    def from_xml(self, xml_string, preserve_uuids=False, verbose=True):
        Note: If a bugdir uuid is given, set .alt_id to it's value.
        >>> bug.load_severities(bug.severity_def)
        >>> bug.load_status(
        ...     active_status_def=bug.active_status_def,
        ...     inactive_status_def=bug.inactive_status_def)
        >>> bugdirA = SimpleBugDir(memory=True)
        >>> bugdirA.severities = (('minor', 'The standard bug level.'),)
        >>> bugdirA.inactive_status = (
        ...     ('closed', 'The bug is no longer relevant.'),)
        >>> bugA = bugdirA.bug_from_uuid('a')
        >>> commA = bugA.comment_root.new_reply(body='comment A')
        >>> commA.uuid = 'commA'
        >>> xml = bugdirA.xml(show_bugs=True, show_comments=True)
        >>> bugdirB = BugDir(storage=None)
        >>> bugdirB.from_xml(xml)
        >>> bugdirB.xml(show_bugs=True, show_comments=True) == xml
        >>> bugdirB.uuid = bugdirB.alt_id
        >>> for bug_ in bugdirB:
        ...     bug_.uuid = bug_.alt_id
        ...     bug_.alt_id = None
        ...     for comm in bug_.comments():
        ...         comm.uuid = comm.alt_id
        ...         comm.alt_id = None
        >>> bugdirB.xml(show_bugs=True, show_comments=True) == xml
        >>> bugdirB.explicit_attrs  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        ['severities', 'inactive_status']
        >>> bugdirC = BugDir(storage=None)
        >>> bugdirC.from_xml(xml, preserve_uuids=True)
        >>> bugdirC.uuid == bugdirA.uuid
        >>> bugdirC.xml(show_bugs=True, show_comments=True) == xml
        >>> bug.load_severities(bug.severity_def)
        >>> bug.load_status(
        ...     active_status_def=bug.active_status_def,
        ...     inactive_status_def=bug.inactive_status_def)
        >>> bugdirA.cleanup()
        if type(xml_string) == types.UnicodeType:
            xml_string = xml_string.strip().encode('unicode_escape')
        if hasattr(xml_string, 'getchildren'): # already an ElementTree Element
            bugdir = xml_string
            bugdir = ElementTree.XML(xml_string)
        if bugdir.tag != 'bugdir':
            raise utility.InvalidXML(
                'bugdir', bugdir, 'root element must be <bugdir>')
        tags = ['uuid', 'short-name', 'target', 'severities', 'active-status',
                'inactive-status', 'extra-string']
        self.explicit_attrs = []
        uuid = None
        estrs = []
        for child in bugdir.getchildren():
            if child.tag == 'short-name':
            elif child.tag == 'bug':
                bg = bug.Bug(bugdir=self)
                    child, preserve_uuids=preserve_uuids, verbose=verbose)
                self.append(bg, update=True)
            elif child.tag in tags:
                if child.text == None or len(child.text) == 0:
                    text = settings_object.EMPTY
                elif child.tag in ['severities', 'active-status',
                    entries = []
                    for entry in child.getchildren():
                        if entry.tag != 'entry':
                            raise utility.InvalidXML(
                                '{} child element {} must be <entry>'.format(
                                    child.tag, entry))
                        key = value = None
                        for kv in entry.getchildren():
                            if kv.tag == 'key':
                                if key is not None:
                                    raise utility.InvalidXML(
                                        ('duplicate keys ({} and {}) in {}'
                                         ).format(key, kv.text, child.tag))
                                key = xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(kv.text)
                            elif kv.tag == 'value':
                                if value is not None:
                                    raise utility.InvalidXML(
                                        ('duplicate values ({} and {}) in {}'
                                            value, kv.text, child.tag))
                                value = xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(kv.text)
                                raise utility.InvalidXML(
                                    ('{} child element {} must be <key> or '
                                     '<value>').format(child.tag, kv))
                        if key is None:
                            raise utility.InvalidXML(
                                'no key for {}'.format(child.tag))
                        if value is None:
                            raise utility.InvalidXML(
                                'no key for {}'.format(child.tag))
                        entries.append((key, value))
                    text = entries
                    text = xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(child.text)
                    if not isinstance(text, unicode):
                        text = text.decode('unicode_escape')
                    text = text.strip()
                if child.tag == 'uuid' and not preserve_uuids:
                    uuid = text
                    continue # don't set the bug's uuid tag.
                elif child.tag == 'extra-string':
                    continue # don't set the bug's extra_string yet.
                attr_name = child.tag.replace('-','_')
                setattr(self, attr_name, text)
            elif verbose == True:
                sys.stderr.write('Ignoring unknown tag {} in {}\n'.format(
                        child.tag, bugdir.tag))
        if uuid != self.uuid:
            if not hasattr(self, 'alt_id') or self.alt_id == None:
                self.alt_id = uuid
        self.extra_strings = estrs

    def merge(self, other, accept_changes=True,
              accept_extra_strings=True, accept_bugs=True,
              accept_comments=True, change_exception=False):
        """Merge info from other into this bugdir.

        Overrides any attributes in self that are listed in

        >>> bugdirA = SimpleBugDir()
        >>> bugdirA.extra_strings += ['TAG: favorite']
        >>> bugdirB = SimpleBugDir()
        >>> bugdirB.explicit_attrs = ['target']
        >>> bugdirB.target = '1234'
        >>> bugdirB.extra_strings += ['TAG: very helpful']
        >>> bugdirB.extra_strings += ['TAG: useful']
        >>> bugA = bugdirB.bug_from_uuid('a')
        >>> commA = bugA.comment_root.new_reply(body='comment A')
        >>> commA.uuid = 'uuid-commA'
        >>> commA.date = 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:01:00 +0000'
        >>> bugC = bugdirB.new_bug(summary='bug C', _uuid='c')
        >>> bugC.alt_id = 'alt-c'
        >>> bugC.time_string = 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:02:00 +0000'
        >>> bugdirA.merge(
        ...     bugdirB, accept_changes=False, accept_extra_strings=False,
        ...     accept_bugs=False, change_exception=False)
        >>> print(bugdirA.target)
        >>> bugdirA.merge(
        ...     bugdirB, accept_changes=False, accept_extra_strings=False,
        ...     accept_bugs=False, change_exception=True)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Merge would change target "None"->"1234" for bugdir abc123
        >>> print(bugdirA.target)
        >>> bugdirA.merge(
        ...     bugdirB, accept_changes=True, accept_extra_strings=False,
        ...     accept_bugs=False, change_exception=True)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Merge would add extra string "TAG: useful" for bugdir abc123
        >>> print(bugdirA.target)
        >>> print(bugdirA.extra_strings)
        ['TAG: favorite']
        >>> bugdirA.merge(
        ...     bugdirB, accept_changes=True, accept_extra_strings=True,
        ...     accept_bugs=False, change_exception=True)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Merge would add bug c (alt: alt-c) to bugdir abc123
        >>> print(bugdirA.extra_strings)
        ['TAG: favorite', 'TAG: useful', 'TAG: very helpful']
        >>> bugdirA.merge(
        ...     bugdirB, accept_changes=True, accept_extra_strings=True,
        ...     accept_bugs=True, change_exception=True)
        >>> print(bugdirA.xml(show_bugs=True, show_comments=True))
        ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
          <extra-string>TAG: favorite</extra-string>
          <extra-string>TAG: useful</extra-string>
          <extra-string>TAG: very helpful</extra-string>
            <creator>John Doe &lt;jdoe@example.com&gt;</creator>
            <created>Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000</created>
            <summary>Bug A</summary>
              <date>Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:01:00 +0000</date>
              <body>comment A</body>
            <creator>Jane Doe &lt;jdoe@example.com&gt;</creator>
            <created>Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000</created>
            <summary>Bug B</summary>
            <created>Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:02:00 +0000</created>
            <summary>bug C</summary>
        >>> bugdirA.cleanup()
        >>> bugdirB.cleanup()
        if hasattr(other, 'explicit_attrs'):
            for attr in other.explicit_attrs:
                old = getattr(self, attr)
                new = getattr(other, attr)
                if old != new:
                    if accept_changes:
                        setattr(self, attr, new)
                    elif change_exception:
                        raise ValueError(
                            ('Merge would change {} "{}"->"{}" for bugdir {}'
                             ).format(attr, old, new, self.uuid))
        for estr in other.extra_strings:
            if not estr in self.extra_strings:
                if accept_extra_strings:
                    self.extra_strings += [estr]
                elif change_exception:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ('Merge would add extra string "{}" for bugdir {}'
                         ).format(estr, self.uuid))
        for o_bug in other:
                s_bug = self.bug_from_uuid(o_bug.uuid)
            except KeyError as e:
                    s_bug = self.bug_from_uuid(o_bug.alt_id)
                except KeyError as e:
                    s_bug = None
            if s_bug is None:
                if accept_bugs:
                    o_bug_copy = copy.copy(o_bug)
                    o_bug_copy.bugdir = self
                    o_bug_copy.id = libbe.util.id.ID(o_bug_copy, 'bug')
                elif change_exception:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ('Merge would add bug {} (alt: {}) to bugdir {}'
                         ).format(o_bug.uuid, o_bug.alt_id, self.uuid))
                s_bug.merge(o_bug, accept_changes=accept_changes,

    # methods for id generation

    def sibling_uuids(self):
        return []

class RevisionedBugDir (BugDir):
    RevisionedBugDirs are read-only copies used for generating
    diffs between revisions.
    def __init__(self, bugdir, revision):
        storage_version = bugdir.storage.storage_version(revision)
        if storage_version != libbe.storage.STORAGE_VERSION:
            raise libbe.storage.InvalidStorageVersion(storage_version)
        s = copy.deepcopy(bugdir.storage)
        s.writeable = False
        class RevisionedStorage (object):
            def __init__(self, storage, default_revision):
                self.s = storage
                self.sget = self.s.get
                self.sancestors = self.s.ancestors
                self.schildren = self.s.children
                self.schanged = self.s.changed
                self.r = default_revision
            def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
                if not 'revision' in kwargs or kwargs['revision'] == None:
                    kwargs['revision'] = self.r
                return self.sget(*args, **kwargs)
            def ancestors(self, *args, **kwargs):
                print 'getting ancestors', args, kwargs
                if not 'revision' in kwargs or kwargs['revision'] == None:
                    kwargs['revision'] = self.r
                ret = self.sancestors(*args, **kwargs)
                print 'got ancestors', ret
                return ret
            def children(self, *args, **kwargs):
                if not 'revision' in kwargs or kwargs['revision'] == None:
                    kwargs['revision'] = self.r
                return self.schildren(*args, **kwargs)
            def changed(self, *args, **kwargs):
                if not 'revision' in kwargs or kwargs['revision'] == None:
                    kwargs['revision'] = self.r
                return self.schanged(*args, **kwargs)
        rs = RevisionedStorage(s, revision)
        s.get = rs.get
        s.ancestors = rs.ancestors
        s.children = rs.children
        s.changed = rs.changed
        BugDir.__init__(self, s, from_storage=True)
        self.revision = revision
    def changed(self):
        return self.storage.changed()

if libbe.TESTING == True:
    class SimpleBugDir (BugDir):
        For testing.  Set ``memory=True`` for a memory-only bugdir.

        >>> bugdir = SimpleBugDir()
        >>> uuids = list(bugdir.uuids())
        >>> uuids.sort()
        >>> print uuids
        ['a', 'b']
        >>> bugdir.cleanup()
        def __init__(self, memory=True, versioned=False):
            if memory == True:
                storage = None
                dir = utility.Dir()
                self._dir_ref = dir # postpone cleanup since dir.cleanup() removes dir.
                if versioned == False:
                    storage = libbe.storage.base.Storage(dir.path)
                    storage = libbe.storage.base.VersionedStorage(dir.path)
            BugDir.__init__(self, storage=storage, uuid='abc123')
            bug_a = self.new_bug(summary='Bug A', _uuid='a')
            bug_a.creator = 'John Doe <jdoe@example.com>'
            bug_a.time = 0
            bug_b = self.new_bug(summary='Bug B', _uuid='b')
            bug_b.creator = 'Jane Doe <jdoe@example.com>'
            bug_b.time = 0
            bug_b.status = 'closed'
            if self.storage != None:
                self.storage.disconnect() # flush to storage

        def cleanup(self):
            if self.storage != None:
                self.storage.writeable = True
            if hasattr(self, '_dir_ref'):

        def flush_reload(self):
            if self.storage != None:

#    class BugDirTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
#        def setUp(self):
#            self.dir = utility.Dir()
#            self.bugdir = BugDir(self.dir.path, sink_to_existing_root=False,
#                                 allow_storage_init=True)
#            self.storage = self.bugdir.storage
#        def tearDown(self):
#            self.bugdir.cleanup()
#            self.dir.cleanup()
#        def fullPath(self, path):
#            return os.path.join(self.dir.path, path)
#        def assertPathExists(self, path):
#            fullpath = self.fullPath(path)
#            self.failUnless(os.path.exists(fullpath)==True,
#                            "path %s does not exist" % fullpath)
#            self.assertRaises(AlreadyInitialized, BugDir,
#                              self.dir.path, assertNewBugDir=True)
#        def versionTest(self):
#            if self.storage != None and self.storage.versioned == False:
#                return
#            original = self.bugdir.storage.commit("Began versioning")
#            bugA = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid("a")
#            bugA.status = "fixed"
#            self.bugdir.save()
#            new = self.storage.commit("Fixed bug a")
#            dupdir = self.bugdir.duplicate_bugdir(original)
#            self.failUnless(dupdir.root != self.bugdir.root,
#                            "%s, %s" % (dupdir.root, self.bugdir.root))
#            bugAorig = dupdir.bug_from_uuid("a")
#            self.failUnless(bugA != bugAorig,
#                            "\n%s\n%s" % (bugA.string(), bugAorig.string()))
#            bugAorig.status = "fixed"
#            self.failUnless(bug.cmp_status(bugA, bugAorig)==0,
#                            "%s, %s" % (bugA.status, bugAorig.status))
#            self.failUnless(bug.cmp_severity(bugA, bugAorig)==0,
#                            "%s, %s" % (bugA.severity, bugAorig.severity))
#            self.failUnless(bug.cmp_assigned(bugA, bugAorig)==0,
#                            "%s, %s" % (bugA.assigned, bugAorig.assigned))
#            self.failUnless(bug.cmp_time(bugA, bugAorig)==0,
#                            "%s, %s" % (bugA.time, bugAorig.time))
#            self.failUnless(bug.cmp_creator(bugA, bugAorig)==0,
#                            "%s, %s" % (bugA.creator, bugAorig.creator))
#            self.failUnless(bugA == bugAorig,
#                            "\n%s\n%s" % (bugA.string(), bugAorig.string()))
#            self.bugdir.remove_duplicate_bugdir()
#            self.failUnless(os.path.exists(dupdir.root)==False,
#                            str(dupdir.root))
#        def testRun(self):
#            self.bugdir.new_bug(uuid="a", summary="Ant")
#            self.bugdir.new_bug(uuid="b", summary="Cockroach")
#            self.bugdir.new_bug(uuid="c", summary="Praying mantis")
#            length = len(self.bugdir)
#            self.failUnless(length == 3, "%d != 3 bugs" % length)
#            uuids = list(self.bugdir.uuids())
#            self.failUnless(len(uuids) == 3, "%d != 3 uuids" % len(uuids))
#            self.failUnless(uuids == ["a","b","c"], str(uuids))
#            bugA = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid("a")
#            bugAprime = self.bugdir.bug_from_shortname("a")
#            self.failUnless(bugA == bugAprime, "%s != %s" % (bugA, bugAprime))
#            self.bugdir.save()
#            self.versionTest()
#        def testComments(self, sync_with_disk=False):
#            if sync_with_disk == True:
#                self.bugdir.set_sync_with_disk(True)
#            self.bugdir.new_bug(uuid="a", summary="Ant")
#            bug = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid("a")
#            comm = bug.comment_root
#            rep = comm.new_reply("Ants are small.")
#            rep.new_reply("And they have six legs.")
#            if sync_with_disk == False:
#                self.bugdir.save()
#                self.bugdir.set_sync_with_disk(True)
#            self.bugdir._clear_bugs()
#            bug = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid("a")
#            bug.load_comments()
#            if sync_with_disk == False:
#                self.bugdir.set_sync_with_disk(False)
#            self.failUnless(len(bug.comment_root)==1, len(bug.comment_root))
#            for index,comment in enumerate(bug.comments()):
#                if index == 0:
#                    repLoaded = comment
#                    self.failUnless(repLoaded.uuid == rep.uuid, repLoaded.uuid)
#                    self.failUnless(comment.sync_with_disk == sync_with_disk,
#                                    comment.sync_with_disk)
#                    self.failUnless(comment.content_type == "text/plain",
#                                    comment.content_type)
#                    self.failUnless(repLoaded.settings["Content-type"] == \
#                                        "text/plain",
#                                    repLoaded.settings)
#                    self.failUnless(repLoaded.body == "Ants are small.",
#                                    repLoaded.body)
#                elif index == 1:
#                    self.failUnless(comment.in_reply_to == repLoaded.uuid,
#                                    repLoaded.uuid)
#                    self.failUnless(comment.body == "And they have six legs.",
#                                    comment.body)
#                else:
#                    self.failIf(True,
#                                "Invalid comment: %d\n%s" % (index, comment))
#        def testSyncedComments(self):
#            self.testComments(sync_with_disk=True)

    class SimpleBugDirTestCase (unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
            # create a pre-existing bugdir in a temporary directory
            self.dir = utility.Dir()
            self.storage = libbe.storage.base.Storage(self.dir.path)
            self.bugdir = BugDir(self.storage)
            self.bugdir.new_bug(summary="Hopefully not imported",
        def tearDown(self):
            if self.storage != None:
        def testOnDiskCleanLoad(self):
            SimpleBugDir(memory==False) should not import
            preexisting bugs.
            bugdir = SimpleBugDir(memory=False)
            self.failUnless(bugdir.storage.is_readable() == True,
            self.failUnless(bugdir.storage.is_writeable() == True,
            uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir])
            self.failUnless(uuids == ['a', 'b'], uuids)
            uuids = sorted(bugdir.uuids())
            self.failUnless(uuids == ['a', 'b'], uuids)
            uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir])
            self.failUnless(uuids == [], uuids)
            uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir])
            self.failUnless(uuids == ['a', 'b'], uuids)
        def testInMemoryCleanLoad(self):
            SimpleBugDir(memory==True) should not import
            preexisting bugs.
            bugdir = SimpleBugDir(memory=True)
            self.failUnless(bugdir.storage == None, bugdir.storage)
            uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir])
            self.failUnless(uuids == ['a', 'b'], uuids)
            uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir])
            self.failUnless(uuids == ['a', 'b'], uuids)
            uuids = sorted(bugdir.uuids())
            self.failUnless(uuids == [], uuids)
            uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir])
            self.failUnless(uuids == [], uuids)

    unitsuite =unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[__name__])
    suite = unittest.TestSuite([unitsuite, doctest.DocTestSuite()])

#    def _get_settings(self, settings_path, for_duplicate_bugdir=False):
#        allow_no_storage = not self.storage.path_in_root(settings_path)
#        if allow_no_storage == True:
#            assert for_duplicate_bugdir == True
#        if self.sync_with_disk == False and for_duplicate_bugdir == False:
#            # duplicates can ignore this bugdir's .sync_with_disk status
#            raise DiskAccessRequired("_get settings")
#        try:
#            settings = mapfile.map_load(self.storage, settings_path, allow_no_storage)
#        except storage.NoSuchFile:
#            settings = {"storage_name": "None"}
#        return settings

#    def _save_settings(self, settings_path, settings,
#                       for_duplicate_bugdir=False):
#        allow_no_storage = not self.storage.path_in_root(settings_path)
#        if allow_no_storage == True:
#            assert for_duplicate_bugdir == True
#        if self.sync_with_disk == False and for_duplicate_bugdir == False:
#            # duplicates can ignore this bugdir's .sync_with_disk status
#            raise DiskAccessRequired("_save settings")
#        self.storage.mkdir(self.get_path(), allow_no_storage)
#        mapfile.map_save(self.storage, settings_path, settings, allow_no_storage)