path: root/doc/tutorial.txt
blob: 592aef54b15f865e9868c4bdc1f8e21f6f1781a8 (plain) (tree)





























Bugs Everywhere (BE) is a bugtracker built on distributed revision
control.  The idea is to package the bug information with the source
code, so that developers working on the code can make appropriate
changes to the bug repository as they go.  For example, by marking a
bug as "fixed" and applying the fixing changes in the same commit.
This makes it easy to see what's been going on in a particular branch
and helps keep the bug repository in sync with the code.

However, there are some differences compared to centralized
bugtrackers.  Because bugs and comments can be created by several
users in parallel, they have globally unique 
:mod:`IDs </libbe.util.id>` rather than numbers.  There is also a
developer-friendly command-line_ interface to compliment the
user-friendly :doc:`web </tutorial-html>` and
:doc:`email </tutorial-email>` interfaces.  This tutorial will focus
on the command-line interface as the most powerful, and leave the web
and email interfaces to other documents.

.. _command-line: `Command-line interface`_


If your distribution packages BE, it will be easiest to use their package.
For example, most Debian-based distributions support::

    $ apt-get install bugs-everywhere


If you have any problems with BE, you can look for matching bugs::

    $ be --repo http://bugs.bugseverywhere.org/ list

If your bug isn't listed, please open a new bug::

    $ be --repo http://bugs.bugseverywhere.org/ new 'bug'
    Created bug with ID bea/abc
    $ be --repo http://bugs.bugseverywhere.org/ comment bea/def
    <editor spawned for comments>

Command-line interface


All of the following information elaborates on the command help text,
which is stored in the code itself, and therefore more likely to be up
to date.  You can get a list of commands and topics with::

    $ be help

Or see specific help on ``COMMAND`` with

    $ be help COMMAND

for example::

    $ be help init

will give help on the ``init`` command.


You're happily coding in your Arch_ / Bazaar_ / Darcs_ / Git_ /
Mercurial_ versioned project and you discover a bug.  "Hmm, I'll need
a simple way to track these things", you think.  This is where BE
comes in.  One of the benefits of distributed versioning systems is
the ease of repository creation, and BE follows this trend.  Just

    $ be init
    Using <VCS> for revision control.
    BE repository initialized.

in your project's root directory.  This will create a ``.be``
directory containing the bug repository and notify your VCS so it will
be versioned starting with your next commit.  See::

    $ be help init

for specific details about where the ``.be`` directory will end up
if you call it from a directory besides your project's root.

.. _Arch: http://www.gnu.org/software/gnu-arch/
.. _Bazaar: http://bazaar.canonical.com/
.. _Darcs: http://darcs.net/
.. _Git: http://git-scm.com/
.. _Mercurial: http://mercurial.selenic.com/

Inside the ``.be`` directory (among other things) there will be a long
UUID_ directory.  This is your bug directory.  The idea is that you
could keep several bug directories in the same repository, using one
to track bugs, another to track roadmap issues, etc.  See IDs_ for
details.  For BE itself, the bug directory is
``bea86499-824e-4e77-b085-2d581fa9ccab``, which is why all the bug and
comment IDs in this tutorial will start with ``bea/``.

.. _UUID: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_Unique_Identifier

Creating bugs

Create new bugs with::

    $ be new <SUMMARY>

For example::

    $ be new 'Missing demuxalizer functionality'
    Created bug with ID bea/28f

If you are entering a bug reported by another person, take advantage
of the ``--reporter`` option to give them credit::

    $ be new --reporter 'John Doe <jdoe@example.com>' 'Missing whatsit...'
    Created bug with ID bea/81a

See ``be help new`` for more details.

While the bug summary should include the appropriate keywords, it
should also be brief.  You should probably add a comment immediately
giving a more elaborate explanation of the problem so that the
developer understands what you want and when the bug can be considered

Commenting on bugs

Bugs are like little mailing lists, and you can comment on the bug
itself or previous comments, attach files, etc.  For example

    $ be comment abc/28f "Thoughts about demuxalizers..."
    Created comment with ID abc/28f/97a
    $ be comment abc/def/012 "Oops, I forgot to mention..."
    Created comment with ID abc/28f/e88

Usually comments will be long enough that you'll want to compose them
in a text editor, not on the command line itself.  Running ``be
comment`` without providing a ``COMMENT`` argument will try to spawn
an editor automatically (using your environment's ``VISUAL`` or
``EDITOR``, see `Guide to Unix, Environmental Variables`_).

.. _Guide to Unix, Environmental Variables:

You can also pipe the comment body in on stdin, which is especially
useful for binary attachments, etc.::

    $ cat screenshot.png | be comment --content-type image/png bea/28f
    Created comment with ID bea/28f/35d

It's polite to insert binary attachments under comments that explain
the content and why you're attaching it, so the above should have been

    $ be comment bea/28f "Whosit dissapears when you mouse-over whatsit."
    Created comment with ID bea/28f/41d
    $ cat screenshot.png | be comment --content-type image/png bea/28f/41d
    Created comment with ID bea/28f/35d

For more details, see ``be help comment``.

Showing bugs

Ok, you understand how to enter bugs, but how do you get that
information back out?  If you know the ID of the item you're
interested in (e.g. bug bea/28f), try::

    $ be show bea/28f
              ID : 28fb711c-5124-4128-88fe-a88a995fc519
      Short name : bea/28f
        Severity : minor
          Status : open
        Assigned :
        Reporter :
         Creator : ...
         Created : ...
    Missing demuxalizer functionality
    --------- Comment ---------
    Name: bea/28f/97a
    From: ...
    Date: ...
    Thoughts about demuxalizers...
      --------- Comment ---------
      Name: bea/28f/e88
      From: ...
      Date: ...
      Thoughts about demuxalizers...
    --------- Comment ---------
    Name: bea/28f/41d
    From: ...
    Date: ...
    Whosit dissapears when you mouse-over whatsit.
      --------- Comment ---------
      Name: bea/28f/35d
      From: ...
      Date: ...
      Content type image/png not printable.  Try XML output instead

You can also get a single comment body, which is useful for extracting
binary attachments::

    $ be show --only-raw-body bea/28f/35d > screenshot.png

There is also an XML output format, which can be useful for emailing
entries around, scripting BE, etc.

    $ be show --xml bea/35d
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Listing bugs

If you *don't* know which bug you're interested in, you can query
the whole bug directory::

    $ be list
    bea/28f:om: Missing demuxalizer functionality
    bea/81a:om: Missing whatsit...

There are a whole slew of options for filtering the list of bugs.  See
``be help list`` for details.

Showing changes

Often you will want to see what's going on in another dev's branch or
remind yourself what you've been working on recently.  All VCSs have
some sort of ``diff`` command that shows what's changed since revision
``XYZ``.  BE has it's own command that formats the bug-repository
portion of those changes in an easy-to-understand summary format.  To
compare your working tree with the last commit::

    $ be diff
    New bugs:
      bea/01c:om: Need command output abstraction for flexible UIs
    Modified bugs:
      bea/343:om: Attach tests to bugs
        Changed bug settings:
          creator: None -> W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>

Compare with a previous revision ``480``::

    $ be diff 480

Compare your BE branch with the trunk::

    $ be diff --repo http://bugs.bugseverywhere.org/

Manipulating bugs

There are several commands that allow to to set bug properties.  They
are all fairly straightforward, so we will merely point them out here,
and refer you to ``be help COMMAND`` for more details.

* ``assign``, Assign an individual or group to fix a bug
* ``depend``, Add/remove bug dependencies
* ``due``, Set bug due dates
* ``status``, Change a bug's status level
* ``severity``, Change a bug's severity level
* ``tag``, Tag a bug, or search bugs for tags
* ``target``, Assorted bug target manipulations and queries

You can also remove bugs you feel are no longer useful with
``be remove``, and merge duplicate bugs with ``be merge``.


Since BE bugs act as mini mailing lists, we provide ``be subscribe``
as a way to manage change notification.  You can subscribe to all
the changes with::

    $ be subscribe --types all DIR

Subscribe only to bug creaton on bugseverywhere.org with::

    $ be subscribe --server bugseverywhere.org --types new DIR

Subscribe to get all the details about bug ``bea/28f``::

    $ be subscribe --types new bea/28f

To unsubscribe, simply repeat the subscription command adding the
``--unsubscribe`` option, but be aware that it may take some time for
these changes to propogate between distributed repositories.  If you
don't feel confident in your ability to filter email, it's best to
only subscribe to the repository for which you have direct write

Managing bug directories

``be set`` lets you configure a bug directory.  You can set

* ``active_status``
  The allowed active bug states and their descriptions.
* ``inactive_status``
  The allowed inactive bug states and their descriptions.
* ``severities``
  The allowed bug severities and their descriptions.
* ``target``
  The current project development target (bug UUID).
* ``extra_strings``
  Space for an array of extra strings.  You usually won't bother with
  this directly.

For example, to set the current target to '1.2.3'::

    $ be set target $(be target --resolve '1.2.3')

Import XML

For serializing bug information (e.g. to email to a mailing list), use::

    $ be show --xml bea/28f > bug.xml

This information can be imported into (another) bug directory via

    $ be import-xml bug.xml

Also distributed with BE are some utilities to convert mailboxes
into BE-XML (``be-mail-to-xml``) and convert BE-XML into mbox_
format for reading in your mail client.

.. _mbox: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbox

Export HTML

To create a static dump of your bug directory, use::

    $ be html

This is a fairly flexible command, see ``be help html`` for details.
It works pretty well as the browsable part of a public interface using
the email_ interface for interactive access.

BE over HTTP

Besides using BE to work directly with local VCS-based repositories,
you can use::

    $ be serve

To serve a repository over HTTP.  For example::

    $ be serve > server.log 2>&1 &
    $ be --repo http://localhost:8000 list

Of course, be careful about serving over insecure networks, since
malicous users could fill your disk with endless bugs, etc.  You can
dissable write access by using the ``--read-only`` option, which would
make serving on a public network safer.

Driving the VCS through BE

Since BE uses internal storage drivers for its various backends, it
seemed useful to provide a uniform interface to some of the common
functionality.  These commands are not intended to replace the usually
much more powerful native VCS commands, but to provide an easy means
of simple VCS-agnostic scripting for BE user interfaces, etc.


Currently, we only expose ``be commit``, which commits all currently
pending changes.