path: root/doc/README.dev
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Extending BE

Adding commands

To write a plugin, you simply create a new file in the libbe/commands/
directory.  Take a look at one of the simpler plugins (e.g. remove.py)
for an example of how that looks, and to start getting a feel for the
libbe interface.

See libbe/commands/base.py for the definition of the important classes
Option, Argument, Command, InputOutput, StorageCallbacks, and
UserInterface classes.  You'll be subclassing Command for your
command, but all those classes will be important.

Command completion

BE implements a general framework to make it easy to support command
completion for arbitrary plugins.  In order to support this system,
any of your completable Argument() instances (in your commands
.options or .args) should be initialized with some valid
completion_callback function.  Some common cases are defined in
libbe.command.util.  If you need more flexibility, see
libbe.command.list's "--sort" option for an example of extensions via
libbe.command.util.Completer, or write a custom completion function
from scratch.

Adding user interfaces

Take a look at libbe/ui/command_line.py for an example.  Basically
you'll need to setup a UserInterface instance for running commands.
More details to come after I write an HTML ui...


Run any tests in your module with
  be$ python test.py <python.module.name>
for example
  be$ python test.py libbe.command.merge

For a definition of "any tests", see test.py's add_module_tests()


Find out which 20 calls take the most cumulative time (time of
execution + childrens' times).

  $ python -m cProfile -o profile be [command] [args]
  $ python -c "import pstats; p=pstats.Stats('profile'); p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(20)"

It's often useful to toss a
  import sys, traceback
  print >> sys.stderr, '-'*60, '\n', '\n'.join(traceback.format_stack()[-10:])
into expensive functions (e.g. libbe.util.subproc.invoke()), if you're
not sure why they're being called.