path: root/.be/bugs/7ec2c071-9630-42b0-b08a-9854616f9144/comments/bb988ed4-d3d5-4e49-b67e-c7ccb8ae44d3/body
blob: 57439b7d816ff8cd37a1716e6a539995d7d562ac (plain) (tree)

From my Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:27:12 -0500 email:

> >> 7ec:om: Arbitrary tags
> >> Sensible
> >
> > Implemented as a free-form value field similar to target?  A
> > comma-seperated list of tags?

That is a much better format than my unmergable one ;).

> "append" usually has two "p"s.  Is the omission deliberate?

Nope, sorry :p

> It sounds pretty complicated.  I would probably use a type system rather
> than "mixins", and define types as "scalar", "set" and maybe "list" and
> "map".  Dependencies would be a set, and their special behaviour would
> be hardcoded according to their name, not a property of their type.

Ok.  I'm just worried about bloat.  It's pretty easy to move things
around at the moment, but I'm worried that adding lots of attributes
with special code will start a slippery slope of trying to satisfy
everybody internally.  Then things start looking more like Arch, with
newbies scared off by the confusion.  I know the Arch people like the
power, but it took me several hours to figure out how to create a
repository ;).  Some people like bug dependencies, and some do not

From the *long* Trac post, you can see that this is divisive issue.

I would be in favor of emulating TracCrossReferences
(http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracCrossReferences) in our core.  We
could have references and backlinks fields for bugs (and comments?).
But I'd rather not add blocking, etc.  However, having a seperate
plugin obviously doesn't work for some people ;).  We'd like to bundle
lots of functionality, but keep the core fairly clean and flexible.

Therefore, I'd like a way to put non-core implememtation code in a
seperate submod.  We already call our libbe code "plugins", and we're
extending the builtin BugDir, Bug, etc code, so I thought we'd call
the non-core submods mixins (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixin).

Anyhow, just my 2c.