
Bugs Everywhere

This is Bugs Everywhere (BE), a bugtracker built on distributed version control. It works with Bazaar, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, and Monotone at the moment, but is easily extensible. It can also function with no VCS at all.

The idea is to package the bug information with the source code, so that bugs can be marked "fixed" in the branches that fix them. So, instead of numbers, bugs have globally unique ids.

Getting BE

BE is available as a Git repository:

$ git clone https://gitlab.com/bugseverywhere/bugseverywhere.git be

See the homepage for details. If you do branch the Git repo, you'll need to run:

$ make

to build some auto-generated files (e.g. libbe/_version.py), and:

$ make install

to install BE. By default BE will install into your home directory, but you can tweak the INSTALL_OPTIONS variable in Makefile to install to another location.

Getting started

To get started, you must set the bugtracker root. Typically, you will want to set the bug root to your project root, so that Bugs Everywhere works in any part of your project tree.:

$ be init -r $PROJECT_ROOT

To create bugs, use be new $DESCRIPTION. To comment on bugs, you can can use be comment $BUG_ID. To close a bug, use be close $BUG_ID or be status $BUG_ID fixed. For more commands, see be help. You can also look at the usage examples in test_usage.sh.


If be help isn't scratching your itch, the full documentation is available in the doc directory as reStructuredText . You can build the full documentation with Sphinx , convert single files with docutils , or browse through the doc directory by hand. doc/index.txt is a good place to start. If you do use Sphinx, you'll need to install numpydoc for automatically generating API documentation. See the ``NumPy/SciPy documentation guide``_ for an introduction to the syntax.

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