*fountainwiki.txt* for Vim version 7.3 Last change: Feb 23 2012 *Fountainwiki* Light wikification of Fountain screenplay files & indentation. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Author: Carson Fire http://twitter.com/carsonfire ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Syntax reference: http://fountain.io/syntax ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CONTENTS *Fountainwiki-contents* 1. Fountainwiki introduction : |Fountainwiki-introduction| 2. Fountain navigation : |Fountain-navigation| 3. Fountainwiki words : |Fountainwiki-words| 4. Fountain indentation : |Fountain-indentation| 5. Fountainwiki options : |Fountainwiki-options| 6. Fountain indentation options : |Fountain-indentation-options| 7. Fountainwiki commands : |Fountainwiki-commands| 8. Fountainwiki shortcuts : |Fountainwiki-shortcuts| 9. Fountainwiki changes : |Fountainwiki-changes| =============================================================================== 1 Fountainwiki introduction *Fountainwiki-introduction* =============================================================================== The purpose of Fountainwiki is to provide a note-taking facility that does not require any deviation from strict Fountain syntax. Fountainwiki turns CHARACTER NAMES, ## Section headers and [[comments]] into WikiWords. Simply press 'enter', and a new file opens for keeping notes. These notes can be simple text files, or tap into other availabie file formats and systems. The indentation is offered as an option instead of as a separate indentation file because it is non-standard (does not work like a normal indentation file). It is one of many functions designed to aid in Fountain screenwriting. =============================================================================== 2 Fountainwiki navigation *Fountainwiki-navigation* =============================================================================== Fountainwiki navigation is modelled after the powerful Vim plugin, Vimwiki. This allows good workflow integration with Vimwiki, and in any case the commands and shortcuts are quick and relatively intuitive. Place your cursor on a link, press 'enter' to proceed; tap 'backspace' to return to the previous file. This applies to plain text files as well as Vimwiki. While browsing files subordinate to the screenplay, the screenplay becomes the defacto home wiki. Tap 'backspace' twice from any of the subordinate files to return. If using Vimwiki: since Vimwiki's navigation only applies to Vimwiki files, you _must_ tap 'backspace' twice to return to the screenplay. =============================================================================== 3 Fountainwiki words *Fountainwiki-words* =============================================================================== Fountainwiki Words are sections of Fountain syntax that Fountainwiki make clickable. Specifically, CHARACTER NAMES, ## Section headers, and [[notes]]. True WikiWords -- conjoined capitalized words -- are not part of Fountain syntax, and are not made clickable through Fountainwiki, since they should not exist in your screenplay. There is no visible designation of what is clickable, apart from the existing syntax: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Scene One - Easton goes west -- clickable EXT. COURTYARD - DAY -- not clickable A pleasant scene. -- not clickable EASTON -- clickable (absent-mindedly) -- not clickable Where did that teapot go? -- not clickable He timidly steps forward. [[Easton's costume]] -- clickable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fountainwiki also wikifies subordinate files (except for wiki and viki files). These links are more direct; type a full filename, to a file of the same type, and this becomes clickable. If using plain text files, for example, your link would be something like 'newfile.txt'. Put your cursor on it and click 'enter'. Tap 'backspace' to return. It doesn't matter if the filename is surrounded by brackets or syntax. If using wiki or viki, the subordinate files use their own default linking scheme, the standard WikiWord. =============================================================================== 4 Fountain indentation *Fountain-indentation* =============================================================================== Indent Fountain files three different ways: * Automatically, when saving the file. * Hit 'enter' while in normal mode. * Use the command :FnIndent Settings for textwidth and tabstop are controlled independently from other filetypes in your Vim session. =============================================================================== 5 Fountainwiki options *Fountainwiki-options* =============================================================================== Set the filetype you wish to use with your screenplay. Top three suggestions, and why: 'wiki' if you want the full power of Vimwiki (must have the plugin installed); 'markdown' for compatability (Fountain is based on Markdown); and 'txt', because you can't go wrong with plain old text. Default is text: > let g:Fountainwiki_Card_Extension = 'txt' < NOTE There is no built-in provision for updating old files to a new extension, if changed. Lowercase-only filenames (1), or uppercase OK (0). Default shown: > let g:Fountainwiki_Lowercase_Filename = 1 < NOTE If uppercase OK, CHARACTER NAME filenames will be allcaps. Filename token. Leave blank, this will not be used after all. > let g:Fountainwiki_Filename_Token = '' < Open FountainwikiWord link full window (1), default shown. (0) results in less popular sidebar option. > let g:Fountainwiki_Card_Only = 1 < If you choose the sidebar, you can adjust its width and position: left side (0), right side (1). Third option set to (1) closes extra windows to keep things clean, (0) does nothing. Defaults shown. > let g:Fountainwiki_Card_Width = 48 let g:Fountainwiki_Card_Right = 1 let g:Fountainwiki_Card_StayOpen = 1 < =============================================================================== 6 Fountain indentation options *Fountain-indentation-options* =============================================================================== Auto-indent scheme: 0 = off, 1 = on (default). > let g:Fountainwiki_Auto_Indent = 0 < Textwidth for Fountain file buffers (default shown). > let g:Fountainwiki_Textwidth = '0' < Tabstop for Fountain file buffers (default shown). > let g:Fountainwiki_Tabstop = '8' < Tweak the number of tabs, or change to spaces (defaults shown): > let g:Fountainwiki_Character_Indent = '\t\t' let g:Fountainwiki_Parenthetical_Indent = '\t' let g:Fountainwiki_Transition_Indent = '\t\t\t\t\t\t' let g:Fountainwiki_Centered_Indent = '\t\t\t\t' < =============================================================================== 7 Fountainwiki commands *Fountainwiki-commands* =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fountainwiki commands: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *:FnScreenplay* Return to the current screenplay *:FnLink* Follow link from screenplay *:FnSublink* Follow link from subordinate file *:FnJump* Tabs between files in sidebar mode *:FnReset* Returns Vimwiki home to original state ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fountain indentation commands: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *:FnIndent* Indent Fountain document *:FnOff* Turn off auto indentation *:FnOn* Turn on auto indentation =============================================================================== 8 Fountainwiki shortcuts *Fountainwiki-shortcuts* =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fountainwiki shortcuts (Fountain file only): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow FountainwikiWord link Return to wiki home (if using Vimwiki) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fountainwiki shortcuts (Files subordinate to Fountain file): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow filename link (extension match) Follow WikiWord link (if using Vimwiki) Return to previous file Return to screenplay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indentation shortcut (Fountain file only): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indent screenplay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editing/writing shortcuts (Fountain file only): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL CAPS line (normal mode) ALL CAPS line, carriage return (indent mode) = Promote section header - Demote section header =============================================================================== 9 Fountainwiki changes *Fountainwiki-changes* =============================================================================== 2012 Feb 24: * Cleaner innards, better internal notes. * More concise help file. * Commands shortened; all begin with 'Fn' for quick access. * Coordinated with Vimwiki navigation and functions. * Complimentary navigation scheme for other subordinate files. * Subordinate files wikified. * Vimwiki-like header adjustment. * Intuitive shortcut for ALLCAP LINES carriage return. * Better title page text block protection (indentation). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: