(function(window) { var worker = new TestAgent.BrowserWorker({ /* this is where your tests will be loaded into */ sandbox: './sandbox.html' }); worker.use(TestAgent.BrowserWorker.Config, { /* config file which lists all available tests for the ui */ url: './config.json' }); worker.use(TestAgent.BrowserWorker.MochaDriver, { /* path to mocha */ mochaUrl: '/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js', testHelperUrl: '../test/helper.js', reporter: 'HTML', ui: 'tdd' }); worker.use(TestAgent.BrowserWorker.Websocket); worker.use(TestAgent.BrowserWorker.TestUi); worker.use(TestAgent.BrowserWorker.ErrorReporting); worker.on({ 'sandbox': function() { }, 'open': function() { console.log('socket open'); }, 'close': function() { console.log('lost client trying to reconnect'); } }); worker.config(); worker.start(); }(this));