#! /usr/bin/env node /** * The intent of this script is to test some * basic operations on a given server to see how * well we can interact with them out of the box. * * As our detection capabilities evolve this script * should be smaller and simpler. */ var CalDav = require('../lib/caldav'); var configurations = JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync( __dirname + '/test-configs.json', 'utf8' )); var connectionType = process.argv[2]; if (!connectionType || !(connectionType in configurations)) { console.error( 'You must choose an available configuration:', Object.keys(configurations) ); process.exit(1); } var config = configurations[connectionType]; var con = new CalDav.Connection({ domain: config.domain, user: config.user, password: config.password }); var CalendarHome = CalDav.Request.CalendarHome; var Calendar = CalDav.Resources.Calendar; var Resources = CalDav.Request.Resources; function getCalendarDetails(caluri) { var resources = new Resources(con, { url: caluri }); resources.addResource('calendar', Calendar); resources.prop(['ical', 'calendar-color']); resources.prop(['caldav', 'calendar-description']); resources.prop(['caldav', 'calendar-timezone']); resources.prop('displayname'); resources.prop('resourcetype'); resources.prop('getlastmodified'); resources.prop('current-user-privilege-set') resources.prop(['calserver', 'getctag']); // found calendar home find calendars. resources.send(function(err, data) { var calendars = data.calendar; var cal = calendars[Object.keys(calendars)[0]]; console.log(cal); var query = cal.createQuery(); query.send(function(err, data, xhr) { console.log(query.xhr.data); console.log(err, data); }); }); } var home = new CalendarHome(con, { url: config.uri }); home.send(function(err, data) { console.log('CALENDAR_HOME:', data); getCalendarDetails(data.url); });