
Project Description


Main Goals

The Radicale Project is a complete calendar and contact storing and manipulating solution. It can store multiple calendars and multiple address books.

Calendar and contact manipulation is available from both local and distant accesses, possibly limited through authentication policies.

What Radicale Is

Calendar and Contact Server

The Radicale Project is mainly a calendar and contact server, giving local and distant access for reading, creating, modifying and deleting multiple calendars through simplified CalDAV and CardDAV protocols.

Data can be encrypted by SSL, and their access can be restricted using different authentication methods.

What Radicale Is not and will not Be

Calendar or Contact User Agent

Radicale is a server, not a client. No interfaces will be created to work with the server, as it is a really (really really) much more difficult task [1].

Original Calendar or Contact Access Protocol

CalDAV and CardDAV are not perfect protocols. We think that their main problem is their complexity [2], that is why we decided not to implement the whole standard but just enough to understand some of its client-side implementations [3].

CalDAV and CardDAV are the best open standards available and they are quite widely used by both clients and servers [4]. We decided to use it, and we will not use another one.