(function(module, ns) { var HTTP_STATUS = /([0-9]{3,3})/; var Base = ns.require('sax/base'); var CalendarDataHandler = ns.require('sax/calendar_data_handler'); var TextHandler = Base.create({ name: 'text', //don't add text only elements //to the stack as objects onopentag: null, onclosetag: null, //add the value to the parent //value where key is local tag name //and value is the text. ontext: function(data) { var handler = this.handler; this.current[this.currentTag[handler.tagField]] = data; } }); var HrefHandler = Base.create({ name: 'href', onopentag: function() { if (this.currentTag.handler === this.handler) { this.stack.push(this.current); this.current = null; } }, onclosetag: function() { var current = this.currentTag; var data; if (current.handler === this.handler) { data = this.current; this.current = this.stack.pop(); this.current[current.local] = data; } }, ontext: function(data) { if (this.currentTag.local === 'href') { this.current = data; } } }); var HttpStatusHandler = TextHandler.create({ name: 'status', ontext: function(data, handler) { var match = data.match(HTTP_STATUS); if (match) { handler = this.handler; this.current[this.currentTag[handler.tagField]] = match[1]; } else { this._super.ontext.call(this, data, handler); } } }); var PrivilegeSet = Base.create({ name: 'PrivilegeSet', onopentag: function(data) { if (this.currentTag.handler === this.handler) { this.stack.push(this.current); this.current = []; } else { if (data.tagSpec !== 'DAV:/privilege') { this.current.push(data.local); } } }, onclosetag: function(data) { var current = this.currentTag; if (current.handler === this.handler) { data = this.current; this.current = this.stack.pop(); this.current[current.local] = data; } }, ontext: null }); var ArrayHandler = Base.create({ name: 'array', handles: { 'DAV:/href': TextHandler }, onopentag: function(data, handler) { var last; var tag = data[handler.tagField]; var last = this.tagStack[this.tagStack.length - 1]; if (last.handler === handler) { this.stack.push(this.current); this.current = this.current[tag] = []; } else { this.current.push(tag); } }, ontext: null, onclosetag: null, oncomplete: function() { this.current = this.stack.pop(); } }); var PropStatHandler = Base.create({ name: 'propstat', handles: { 'DAV:/href': TextHandler, 'http://calendarserver.org/ns//getctag': TextHandler, 'DAV:/status': HttpStatusHandler, 'DAV:/resourcetype': ArrayHandler, 'DAV:/current-user-privilege-set': PrivilegeSet, 'DAV:/principal-URL': HrefHandler, 'DAV:/current-user-principal': HrefHandler, 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav/calendar-data': CalendarDataHandler, 'DAV:/value': TextHandler, 'DAV:/owner': HrefHandler, 'DAV:/getetag': HrefHandler, 'DAV:/displayname': TextHandler, 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav/calendar-home-set': HrefHandler, 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav/calendar-timezone': TextHandler, 'http://apple.com/ns/ical//calendar-color': TextHandler, 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav/calendar-description': TextHandler }, onopentag: function(data, handler) { //orphan if (data.tagSpec === 'DAV:/propstat') { //blank slate propstat if (!('propstat' in this.current)) { this.current['propstat'] = {}; } this.stack.push(this.current); //contents will be copied over later. return this.current = {}; } handler._super.onopentag.call(this, data, handler); return null; }, oncomplete: function() { var propstat = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; propstat = propstat.propstat; var key; var status = this.current.status; var props = this.current.prop; delete this.current.status; delete this.current.prop; for (key in props) { if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(props, key)) { propstat[key] = { status: status, value: props[key] }; } } } }); var Response = Base.create({ name: 'dav_response', handles: { 'DAV:/href': TextHandler, 'DAV:/propstat': PropStatHandler }, onopentag: function(data, handler) { if (data.tagSpec === 'DAV:/response') { this.stack.push(this.current); return this.current = {}; } handler._super.onopentag.call(this, data, handler._super); return null; }, oncomplete: function() { var parent; if (this.current.href) { this.emit( 'DAV:/response', this.current.href, this.current.propstat ); parent = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; parent[this.current.href] = this.current.propstat; } } }); module.exports = Response; }.apply( this, (this.Caldav) ? [Caldav('sax/dav_response'), Caldav] : [module, require('../caldav')] ));