(function(module, ns) { var Base = ns.require('sax/base'); var CalendarDataHandler = Base.create({ name: 'calendar data', //don't add text only elements //to the stack as objects onopentag: null, onclosetag: null, //add the value to the parent //value where key is local tag name //and value is the text. ontext: function(data) { var handler = this.handler; this.current[this.currentTag[handler.tagField]] = CalendarDataHandler.parseICAL(data); } }); /** * Default ical parser handler. * * XXX: Feels a little hacky but works... */ CalendarDataHandler.parseICAL = function(input) { return input; }; module.exports = CalendarDataHandler; }.apply( this, (this.Caldav) ? [Caldav('sax/calendar_data_handler'), Caldav] : [module, require('../caldav')] ));