path: root/lib/caldav/xhr.js
blob: 77ecd5cbad87b1c4a61fce531306326cf0c1e7b5 (plain) (tree)
























(function(module, ns) {
  var Native;

  if (typeof(window) === 'undefined') {
    Native = require('xmlhttprequest').XMLHttpRequest;
  } else {
    Native = window.XMLHttpRequest;

   * Creates a XHR wrapper.
   * Depending on the platform this is loaded
   * from the correct wrapper type will be used.
   * Options are derived from properties on the prototype.
   * See each property for its default value.
   * @class
   * @name Caldav.Xhr
   * @param {Object} options options for xhr.
   * @param {String} [options.method="GET"] any HTTP verb like 'GET' or 'POST'.
   * @param {Boolean} [options.async] false will indicate
   *                   a synchronous request.
   * @param {Object} [options.headers] full of http headers.
   * @param {Object} [options.data] post data.
  function Xhr(options) {
    var key;
    if (typeof(options) === 'undefined') {
      options = {};

    for (key in options) {
      if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(options, key)) {
        this[key] = options[key];

  Xhr.prototype = {
    globalXhrOptions: null,
    xhrClass: Native,
    method: 'GET',
    async: true,
    waiting: false,
    user: null,
    password: null,
    url: null,

    headers: {},
    data: null,

    _seralize: function _seralize() {
      return this.data;

     * @param {String} user basic auth user.
     * @param {String} password basic auth pass.
     * @return {String} basic auth token.
    _credentials: function(user, pass) {
      // this code should never run in nodejs.
      return 'Basic ' + window.btoa(
        user + ':' + pass

     * Sends request to server.
     * @param {Function} callback success/failure handler.
    send: function send(callback) {
      var header, xhr;

      if (typeof(callback) === 'undefined') {
        callback = this.callback;

      if (this.globalXhrOptions) {
        xhr = new this.xhrClass(this.globalXhrOptions);
      } else {
        xhr = new this.xhrClass();
      // This hack is in place due to some platform
      // bug in gecko when using mozSystem xhr
      // the credentials only seem to work as expected
      // when constructing them manually.
      if (!this.globalXhrOptions || !this.globalXhrOptions.mozSystem) {
        xhr.open(this.method, this.url, this.async, this.user, this.password);
      } else {
        xhr.open(this.method, this.url, this.async);
        xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', this._credentials(

      var useMozChunkedText = false;
      if (this.globalXhrOptions && this.globalXhrOptions.useMozChunkedText) {
        useMozChunkedText = true;
        xhr.responseType = 'moz-chunked-text';

      for (header in this.headers) {
        if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(this.headers, header)) {
          xhr.setRequestHeader(header, this.headers[header]);

      var hasProgressEvents = false;

      // check for progress event support.
      if ('onprogress' in xhr) {
        hasProgressEvents = true;
        var last = 0;

        if (useMozChunkedText) {
          xhr.onprogress = (function onChunkedProgress(event) {
            if (this.ondata) {
        } else {
          xhr.onprogress = (function onProgress(event) {
            var chunk = xhr.responseText.substr(last, event.loaded);
            last = event.loaded;
            if (this.ondata) {

      xhr.onreadystatechange = (function onReadyStateChange() {
        var data;
        if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
          data = xhr.responseText;

          // emulate progress events for node...
          // this really lame we should probably just
          // use a real http request for node but this
          // will let us do some testing via node for now.
          if (!hasProgressEvents && this.ondata) {

          this.waiting = false;
          callback(null, xhr);

      this.waiting = true;

      return xhr;

  module.exports = Xhr;

  (this.Caldav) ?
    [Caldav('xhr'), Caldav] :
    [module, require('./caldav')]